
Review Detail of MellyK9 in Kill the Sun

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So far I have read 100 chapters and I feel like the Mc has barely changed. He experiences bad stuff and he doesn't seem to grow much from it like he learns responsibly after that kid fell into a coma but other than that the character hasn't grown at all and he is like 17. To be fair though thw story has a completely unique power system, which is actually pretty good and well thought out. The story has tons of potential but the lame ass Mc brings the whole story down. (I'm at the part where he is thinking about suicide by Nurse). And the idea of specters is pretty cool as well, I don't think I'll give up on the novel yet, I'll give it another 50 chapters to hook me.

Kill the Sun


Được 1 người thích


fuck, even after 300 episodes Nick still hasn't gotten over his trauma. and the author killed every named character in the book. They are all dead.

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