
Review Detail of UnKnownEntity001 in Riches and Bitches: I have a gate to an isekai and leveling-up system!

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30 chapters in and I’m…bored. It’s pretty much just been fluff for the last 10-15 chapters. It was interesting for a bit but now it’s pretty much only focused on the weird romance between mc and fl. Wish I had know the main focus would be the romance before I wasted my time. Sad because the author is really good, just isn’t for me. I’m still waiting for the getting rich part. As of know virgin mc is just taking advantage of a young fox turned girl. There is nothing unique about the mc, same bumbling virus mc we’ve read in thousands of stories. Unfortunate because I was really looking forward to reading this story. Maybe I’ll come back and try reading it again at a later date. But the author need to learn how to balance their stories better. Focusing on one aspect for to long looses the readers attention. For example, cheesy romance for 10 chapters straight.

Riches and Bitches: I have a gate to an isekai and leveling-up system!


Được 59 người thích


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Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Well, you have 206 chapters to read now. Read it and if you feel like vomiting after reading it let me know so I don't have to read this. 😂



Gabichu_Yeah:Well, you have 206 chapters to read now. Read it and if you feel like vomiting after reading it let me know so I don't have to read this. 😂

Yeah i didn't even read the synopsis and figured out roughly 10 chapters in that one of the foxes would become a fox girl. Honestly though the story isn't terrible but just isn't one I'd invest coins into.