
Review Detail of Antony_fox_4805 in Rise of the Royal Blue Jaoji - Iheasssai Sword

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🦊 fox here! and I'm going to give a totally unbiased review about this marvellous piece of work. I'm going to talk about two things mainly: story settings and character development. story setting. damn! this is such a spell binding novel that follows the lives of four unlikely individuals...at least that's what I'm seeing for now, brought together by a royal contest to protect a princess. Each of the four competitors has a complex and intriguing backstory, and the author does a masterful job at weaving together their stories into a tapestry of action, adventure and drama. While the princess herself is a distant figure in the beginning of the story so far...I'm not sure I like very much, can't wait to meet thesra! her influence is felt throughout the story. The book is very complex and interesting. character development The characters seem very diverse and unique or at least let's say real! the four main MC's for now: a so called traitor's son; leomere. A dark man who is not as evil as he seems; joz. A female warrior in disguise; moheazta (can't spell her name right lol) and lastly a young prodigy with dangerous powers; parele. The author has truly created a world that is both familiar and strange and the characters are complex and multidimensional. It is a book that'll keep you hooked to your screen the whole day and keep you wanting more! Bravo author. This is the best book I've come across so far...I'm definitely following till end... with love ❤️ fox was here!

Rise of the Royal Blue Jaoji - Iheasssai Sword


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a review well done I'd say