
Review Detail of Cyrs in Studying Science in the Alternate World

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I don't know, I think this can be good but at the same time there are a few parts that are making me doubt about the future of this novel but the principal is it seems like all the science study is make by the AI. What I want in a novel that have studying science in the name is the cognitive process about the interpretation of the world through reason. to put in simple words, I want the Scientific method. you can even put the others ways, newers, to make science but you can't forget the basis. I know I had a lot of expectations in a simple novel but hey, it is the author that deceived me with this title

Studying Science in the Alternate World

Bai Yuhan

Được 5 người thích


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I saw similar complaints on mtlnovel which is why I never end up reading this even though I was interested based on the name