
Review Detail of LifeGivesYouLemons in Imagination - HP

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Truly a great Harry Potter fanfic that outshines a lot of fanfics on this site or fanfiction.net. Fantastic effort by the author to expand on the Harry Potter world and keep to the original lore while also adding new concepts. I've read all 23 chapters in a day and have been really entertained. Pros: -The system is very well detailed and is well implemented into the story. It's not just a randomly given "goldfinger/system" where the user automatically knows what to do. The system is built from scratch by the MC and expanded on while the story progresses. -Grammar is excellent. I don't think I've noticed or spotted any mistakes which is something that I really appreciate, as it's one of the first things I notice in any fanfic/novel. -I personally think that the world background is way more in depth than the original books due to the explanation on different magical cultures, creatures and locations that aren't really explained much in the original books. -Great character development from every character who keep their original personalities and mature and grow as the story progresses. -Fast updates considering the author has pumped out over 200k words in like a month with each chapter being pretty beefy. -Pacing is nice. It was slightly slow at the beginning where everything was being set up and explained but after that the story really speeds up. It's nice not having to always read a repeat of the beginning years at Hogwarts and instead have a good explanation/summary of some parts instead of needlessly padding the word count. Cons: -I'm personally ok with this as it was really well explained by the author as the story went on, but I think a lot of people that read this fic might get put off with the initial sharing of his system and just drop the fic, which is frankly such a waste for them as they are really missing out on an entertaining story. The sharing isn't even a full sharing, it's like a tiny part, which the MC can take back whenever and is monitored so like really while useful to people, it's still basic compared to the MC's system. -Only slight con for me is at times the MC seems to just pull out something OP out of nowhere. While implied that the MC is a genius/prodigy it would still be cool if there was more mention on the magic that the MC has created before instead of him being able to pull that out with not much foreshadowing. All in all this is probably my favourite HP fanfic in the last couple of years. I really find it surprising that there aren't many chapter comments or reviews for it considering it's quality. Kudos to the author for a great story.

Imagination - HP


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