
Review Detail of BookWorms007 in Supreme Couple In Apocalypse: Undead King & Demonic Queen

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This novel had a huge potential. But a few flaws prevent it from being one of the better novels in this site.......1) Writing quality can be improved. (There are not much grammatical errors though). 2) The characters need to be flushed out more. Their interactions seems to be two dimensional at best. Give more depth to these characters , more emotions, more love, more friendship.....3) The world background is poorly explained. How did the apocalypse happen? why did it happen? How did people respond to the changes, what is the system? how did the MC become half zombie ( The novel could have shown MC preservering more agony to become half zombie.)4) This is one of those novels where more info could have worked wonders .I have read till chapter 50. I will come back if author improves upon his work.

Supreme Couple In Apocalypse: Undead King & Demonic Queen


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