
Review Detail of Chaddts in Reincarnated in the world of Shinobi

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0 world building done at all. He gets a yearly sign in system and only two rewards are shown to he readers and his is 5 or 6 meaning there are many abilities not known. The first character introduced outsides of his mother is another o.c, a genderbent Itachi. All the world building is skipped, he is born into the Uchiha clan, yet nothing about the clan Is described at all. Not even a friend of the mothers is mentioned. She supposedly gave birth to him while alone in her room. which makes no sense, and his father just isn't around for whatever reason. Way too much is skipped and glossed over to be anything but drivel.

Reincarnated in the world of Shinobi


Được 2 người thích


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FbiAgentTác giảFbiAgent

Thanks for pointing out.This is my first time writing a novel and I would improve this.But bro are you getting paid or something?I saw your activity you are spreading negativity on all the novels of other authors as well.You expect us to be professional writers?With that said i welcome any feedback.It will help to improve my writing skills.