
Review Detail of Full_superior123 in Majin's Journey

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I know this is late but I have to say the author is trying so hard to nerf his majin abilities and magic it’s not even funny he’s semi-fear of changing canon which doesn’t matter in the long run forgets cell or gero can steal dna/data if he goes to earth best place to go is yardrat to train his body and mind for more move skills. ……………just a review……………….

Majin's Journey


Được 2 người thích


Trả lời3


Understandable I love me some weak to strong plus no system telling you what to do in the back of you’re head having a majin race/body almost immortality but downside lost stamina and strength having knowledge of db in your back pocket the possibilities are endless.

Yoesph:Thanks for the feedback! I'll admit as I put in the description I don't have a concrete plan in mind for the story progression, but you make a great point honestly. Yardrat probably would be a more beneficial planet for him to go to if he knew where it was, and the nerfing is something done intentionally. my idea was the only real difference start wise between him and Buu is that he one, has his memories, and two was not born with overwhelming power. So he will reach Buu levels and beyond eventually, I just wanted it to be more of a journey. Hope you keep reading and that you continue to leave feedback!
YoesphTác giảYoesph

Thanks for the feedback! I'll admit as I put in the description I don't have a concrete plan in mind for the story progression, but you make a great point honestly. Yardrat probably would be a more beneficial planet for him to go to if he knew where it was, and the nerfing is something done intentionally. my idea was the only real difference start wise between him and Buu is that he one, has his memories, and two was not born with overwhelming power. So he will reach Buu levels and beyond eventually, I just wanted it to be more of a journey. Hope you keep reading and that you continue to leave feedback!

YoesphTác giảYoesph

Yeah exactly! Just being a Majin is enough of a gold finger for Kai to go far.

Full_superior123:Understandable I love me some weak to strong plus no system telling you what to do in the back of you’re head having a majin race/body almost immortality but downside lost stamina and strength having knowledge of db in your back pocket the possibilities are endless.