
Review Detail of DarkElven6 in This Time I Will Survive: Why is Everything Different?

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DarkElven6Tác giả1yrDarkElven6

Since this has gained traction only recently I guess its time for another shameless author review because I need to learn to promote myself. This novel is very different from what I have posted on the internet thus far. I originally started posting this novel on Royal Road to see if it was even interesting enough to post to WebNovel's ML side here. My fears were right in that it took months for any interest to pop up on WN, while I had over 12k views on RR. Then I went on vacation for 4 days and my views suddenly doubled and continue to rise on WN. What was more was I received a contract offer in a world where you just apply for contracts now. I could not believe my luck. I still don't believe it. I don't post 2-3 chapters daily, nor do I post daily, but for some reason you all were interested in my story I had to tell. You see I often immerse my entire self into writing, meaning I try to run away when the emotions are too sad or involved. Or when I know I have to write something that will break my heart. The side effects most writers won't tell you about. Anyways, if you have managed to get this far into the review, thank you for your support. After I had my car accident that took away my mobility I thought I would never be able to work again. Yes, I can still walk and even stand with conditions, but I was a strong, independent person before all this mess. Writing gave me that outlet to feel like I could provide for myself again. I will never be able to say this enough, but thank you for all your comments, reviews, ratings, and much much more. I still wouldn't be here plugging away at my keyboard without you. Happy reading! : )

This Time I Will Survive: Why is Everything Different?


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