
Review Detail of AlexaGotFeelings in The Real Draco

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It's cute, so i'll be reading it from now on. The only criticism I have until now is that I didnt like how fast it progressed and that Draco should have suffered more prejudice. Things were too smooth for him, from family and school relations.

The Real Draco


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2Cool4SchoolTác giả2Cool4School

Thank you for the thoughtful review! I agree. Even the HarryxDraco relationship is rushed a bit. That said, I decided that I wanted them to face their problems while they could also date, so each chapter can feature some negative as well as positive moments, (maybe?) providing a more rewarding read in a chapter-to-chapter format, unlike traditional arcs in novels. It'll be a bit of a writer's challenge for me, but I'm looking forward to it, so I hope it will read okay!