
Review Detail of BookWorms007 in The Primordial Record

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I read upto chapter 25. This novel is too dark and complex for my liking. This novel is the most confusing one that I have read in webnovel so far. You are bombarded with a lot of new names, powers, terms and abilities. The author tries to put out a lot of info about the supernatural yet all this information is useless.You have no idea about the MC ? how did he transmigrate? how did he become a child? what are records? what is the world setting? who is his family? who are his friends? ..........Nothing.......... The first 25 chapters are written beautifully but provides nothing of value . Readers are kept in the dark all the time . In the amidst of all this, the author keeps shifting his focus to unrelated people. Entire chapters are dedicated to people who we as readers have no idea about ( or care about) . Keep in mind, the author is trying to give attention to other people without giving due attention and importance to the MC himself. What a mess. I was frustrated a lot of times due to the apparent lack of info about the novel or the MC ( yet this novel is filled with useless information) . If you are looking for a relaxing novel ...... then keep away. This novel is not it.

The Primordial Record


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The first 25 chapters of a novel are crucial for bringing in more readers and to keep the current readers interested to purchase the remaining chapters. You can't expect readers to blindly buy the remaining chapters hoping that the novel would get better with time. The author should have provided some information regarding the MC and world background rather than focusing on unrelated people who we as readers have no interest in knowing further. The first 25 chapters provides nothing of value to the novel and does not keep the readers engaged and interested . This is why most of the readers such as me myself has deserted this novel.

raccatas:i mean if u only read 25 u would understand anyway, its like reading 2 chapters of a light novel then complaining u dont understand. pretty dumb

Beacuse that’s the point


i mean if u only read 25 u would understand anyway, its like reading 2 chapters of a light novel then complaining u dont understand. pretty dumb


Not true. For me, I read or drop a webnovel based on the first 25 to 50 chapters. Because there is no way for me to know whether the story is going to good in the newer chapters. From what I seen the reviews on the webnovel are fake at the worst and unreliable at the best. So, first 50 chapters are rather important.

raccatas:i mean if u only read 25 u would understand anyway, its like reading 2 chapters of a light novel then complaining u dont understand. pretty dumb