
Review Detail of skylit3r in Greece: From Kingdom To Empire

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I'll be honest in my assessment of the book - the concept of someone from the present being reincarnated into the body of a young prince in the past is fascinating. It's like a blend of time travel and reincarnation, and it definitely caught my attention. The story has great potential, and I'm curious to see where it leads. I enjoyed the first-person, present-tense storytelling, although it took a few paragraphs to get used to it. However, I found it difficult to distinguish between when the protagonist was speaking versus when he was or when the protagonist was thinking versus when the narrator was speaking. The lack of clarity threw me off, and I sometimes struggled to identify who was speaking in a dialogue. Moreover, there wasn't enough description or explanation of the speakers' emotions or the setting they were in, which may have been intentional but felt lacking to me. However, this could be attributed to the author's writing style. Despite the shortcomings, I believe that once the writing quality improves, the book could turn out to be a beautiful story. I have only read up to the 6th chapter, and it's too early to tell, but I am optimistic about the book's potential.

Greece: From Kingdom To Empire


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One more thing I forgot to mention is how easy it was to read the story. It has a relaxed and laid-back tone, making it a perfect read for a lazy afternoon. Even if you're tired, the story still flows easily and keeps you engaged.

Lord_sidTác giảLord_sid

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