
Review Detail of swordmen in The Growth of a Titan

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Sir, as you know, I am an author who writes a tiny novel. For the past two months, I have read several novels in various categories and then rewritten all of the chapters.Could you please update me on my progress? thank you for your assistance and support

The Growth of a Titan


Được 2 người thích


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Absolutely different from anything I've read before, this story

TsetthTác giảTsetth

Hmm, I've read chap one, at least i tried. But before I make a comment on your book, tell me that you think your doing different from the books you've read?

TsetthTác giảTsetth



If you can point out an error in my book that can be fixed, that would be great.

TsetthTác giảTsetth

I was asking what your book was doing different from the ones you've read. I dont want to tell you because my opnion is biased. I just want to hear your thoughts, and understand how well you know basic writing techniques... if you can point out those differences then you'll understand writing techniques better. As for what writing techniques I'm talking about its things like sentence structure and character dialogue structure. How different is your sentence structure and character dialogue structure from the books you have read? That's what I'm asking

swordmen:If you can point out an error in my book that can be fixed, that would be great.

The protagonist (MC) experiences several flashbacks to his past life and shapes his own destiny in the novel I'm writing in which his past, present, and future are all interwoven and It will pique the reader's interest in my upcoming chapters.

TsetthTác giảTsetth

Also, I might be misunderstanding you and asking unnecessary things. Did you needed my help in spotting spelling errors in your book, or how to write a book?🤔

swordmen:If you can point out an error in my book that can be fixed, that would be great.

I make all of the sentences that are composed in my head; I only choose one or two dialoques.


Yes, I'd like to ask straightforward questions on how to improve my skills. I simply lack this one thing so that the reader can sense the character's emotions.

TsetthTác giảTsetth

Do you have discord perhaps? If so then its better to have a conversation there

swordmen:I make all of the sentences that are composed in my head; I only choose one or two dialoques.