
Review Detail of SlaveToTheAuthor in How Well Can An AI Do?

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SlaveToTheAuthorTác giả1yrSlaveToTheAuthor

Did I give myself a 5 star review? No! I gave the AI a 5 star review... just like how I gave it my powerstones, you cant stop me (; ̄︶ ̄) tee hee

How Well Can An AI Do?


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Is it able to write in the style of an author too? for example if you tell it to write a warlock in the Magus World fanfic in the style of.... Journey to the center of the earth? Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series? Etc. It will probably have to be in the public domain for it to find and analyse it, but it might well be able to. Every time I try to get acces the registration is closed so I haven't been able to give it a shot yet.... :(

SlaveToTheAuthorTác giảSlaveToTheAuthor

Yeah it can, ive found that it cant acess url's, however it can trace sources and find data that ive needed for assignments which is god send. I might keep this idea in mind tho. That or if it gets big enough i might poll what style the next chapter is witten in perhaps, something to think about.

SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST:Is it able to write in the style of an author too? for example if you tell it to write a warlock in the Magus World fanfic in the style of.... Journey to the center of the earth? Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series? Etc. It will probably have to be in the public domain for it to find and analyse it, but it might well be able to. Every time I try to get acces the registration is closed so I haven't been able to give it a shot yet.... :(

That's cool.it's gonna put everyone out of a job where computers are concerned but cool as as can be.

SlaveToTheAuthor:Yeah it can, ive found that it cant acess url's, however it can trace sources and find data that ive needed for assignments which is god send. I might keep this idea in mind tho. That or if it gets big enough i might poll what style the next chapter is witten in perhaps, something to think about.