
Review Detail of Kingshadow2324 in Apocalyptic Calamity: My Proficiency Panel

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The author keeps trying to make you understand why you are the main character Would SA his neighbor. First it starts by telling you the neighbor and her husband don’t really talk to each other then it has the main character get massages so the other characters could get some food and then from that massage he starts touching her. She sets a boundary tell him no and then he sees her cooking for him again she’s already set the boundary, he comes over and then pushes her again and she says no leaves again. He took advantage of power just to SA it was like he had the whole world and he went straight towards his neighbor. That’s just chapter 17 so if it’s already starting with SA he’s gonna go and get worse from here and I’m good on that.

Apocalyptic Calamity: My Proficiency Panel

Facing The Peak

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