
Review Detail of the_lady_doth_NGAF in Rebirth: I Made a Comeback in Showbiz

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I am extraordinarily sick of books that have a plot like this where the female lead just decides to forget anything ever happened in the past life and to accept her biological family back. for once I would like one of these books where not only does the female lead make them regret it but she makes them regret it to the point where they pretty much sabotage themselves and almost ruin themselves for it and then she goes off into the sunset happily and never speaks to them again hopefully while the adopted daughter gets destroyed. China is so obsessed with filial piety that it seems like a family can abuse the female lead all they want and the moment they realize that they were mistaken and they say a generic apology about how they were tricked or they had no idea then All Is Forgiven because blood relations. nope. if this book is chosen I wanted to be made clear in the first 40 chapters that are free before I extend any money that this is not one of those stories and instead of story where she's going to make them eat their own spit for the rest of their lives and regret and never once reconciled with them.

Rebirth: I Made a Comeback in Showbiz

Mountain Springs

Được 33 người thích


Trả lời7


I agree...I mean according to description, she was killed by kidnappers bcoz her family did not saved her. I mean how could anyone forgive their murderers, when they contributed to her death .. seriously 😒 even if they are her family bcoz pain given by family hurts more ...okay...


doesn't it say in the synopsis that she refuses to forgive them? is the story different than synposis?


no is not

charredcarp:doesn't it say in the synopsis that she refuses to forgive them? is the story different than synposis?

In all honesty, I used to believe that too, but forgiving the people who harmed you is how one grows stronger. Forgive but remember, the FL should have just let go of those people( technically they are just blood related not a family)

Sam251993:I agree...I mean according to description, she was killed by kidnappers bcoz her family did not saved her. I mean how could anyone forgive their murderers, when they contributed to her death .. seriously 😒 even if they are her family bcoz pain given by family hurts more ...okay...

That works on TikTok slideshows not real life. They got her killed, you don’t forgive that, you never forgive something like that. You can believe all the happy go lucky stuff you want but no one in their right mind is so much as looking favorably at them.

Fallen_Fromheaven:In all honesty, I used to believe that too, but forgiving the people who harmed you is how one grows stronger. Forgive but remember, the FL should have just let go of those people( technically they are just blood related not a family)

yeah that's true, imagine if she didn't reincarnate or something she would have stayed died, they how will she forgive. so yes I think she shouldn't have to forgive any blood relative because they are blood..... where were the blood's when she was dying

UndeadBeing:That works on TikTok slideshows not real life. They got her killed, you don’t forgive that, you never forgive something like that. You can believe all the happy go lucky stuff you want but no one in their right mind is so much as looking favorably at them.

It says in another review that they read the book and she ends up forgiving them! That's why I am no longer reading this book!

charredcarp:doesn't it say in the synopsis that she refuses to forgive them? is the story different than synposis?