
Review Detail of Nate_Gong in Extra's Magic

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the novel is decently well written, but rhey way it reads is something close to a fan-fic as you come in with very little knowledge of the world, but most things are poorly explained or recapped like you are supposed to have some pre existing knowledge of this world. Other details just kinda pop-up, and there are a few jumps in logic or gaps in logic, such as the MC's ability to ignore injuries just because his pain tolerance is really high. that is not how that works, if the muscle fibers get cut, you can't really apply force through a muscle if it connects to nowhere or how broken bones which would function or breakdown when used work juuuuust fine if you ignore the pain.I do like this story, but if the author could go back and make revisions so the story is consistent, and plot bandaids are not used or needed that would make this story many times or pleasant to read.If you have read this far, thank you for your time

Extra's Magic


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