
Review Detail of GeneralDeFartos_L in Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

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Good things: - Great MC with nice psychopath personality. - Nice variety of female targets each with a unique personality - Characters are well built and have their past and they make decisions based on it, so nothing feels out of place - Dynamics between characters are great ------ Minor bad things: - First chapters are full of Grammer mistakes until editor comes along by chapter 130 or something - Author learns more English when editor comes along, but author goes overboard and explains everything in overly artistic way. (Example: author gives a skill description that's 5 paragraphs long and most of it is nonsense about how the skill is awesome and how it came to be and how it's only for the worthy and all that shit. just tell me what the skill does in a single sentence damn it). Thankfully, author fixed this problem as the chapters went by. Major bad thing: - Author introduces problems or plans just to ditch them afterwards. A lot of plot holes got created because of that. Why add problem after problem when it makes no sense? Mad scientist makes zombies, why the heck does he target MC at the start? He obviously was supposed to be the big bad villain here, but author just had to introduce the god avatar problem too, I'd understand if the god avatar is an actual villain for our MC here, but the zombie guy is just so random. Both these problems are just there in case author didn't have any other idea for the next chapter, they're just safeguards for author to fall on if he's stuck, at least that's what they feel like, since they're forgotten most of the time even though they're supposedly important. As for plans, MC always has a plan to make but it never works and it goes differently; he coul've just done it differently from the start instead of the stupid plan at the start (example: planning to get back the ultimate weapons the blacksmith made, only to be forgotten later. / planning to control the world through economy, only to be forgotten and after hundreds of chapters, his subordinates did it for him./ Or when he planned to control the elf kingdom by corrupting a family then a neighborhood till reaching the castle, but then it changes just cuz) all those plans just sound nice but aren't done properly because author introduces other things along the way and forgets about these or they work against the new introduced stuff so author takes them out of the story. - MC is all about manipulation, but throughout most of the chapters we rarely see that unless he's trying to get some chick into his bed. What about all the other uses? MC has some crazy good skills, but he rarely uses them, he just mainly uses hypnosis or some other normal stuff. MC never used his skills to their utmost potential (like memory alter). - Author just had to make MC into a big target and a big famous boy (high profile). MC has mind skills, he thrives from the shadows behind the scenes, but author just had to have him in the spotlight all the time. To fix that problem, author gave him powers aside from his mind powers, thus further making MC rarely use his mind powers.

Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.


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Oh let me also add that the leveling and ranking is trash. Especially the evolving part. What's the point of leveling up if it's going to be forgotten? Or worse, the leveling system is not reliable cuz author changed the intensity of who is powerful. Also, the evolutions for MC are seriously lacking. So you're telling me a counselor drove the world into utter damnation and all the races had to unite against him. (That's the evolution of around level 60 or something for MC, and then the counselor evolved too, so let's say his level was at 80 when he drove the world into madness). But later on in the chapters, all we see is utterly strong people or entities like that random elf that had to teach MC or that random fish or that random tree, that all were stronger than that councilor bro. and the evolution of MC is just trash, nothing new is added, just same abilities are strengthened. The last 2 evolutions were totally redundant, jus a cool sounding description but lackluster skills. The souls evolution at the start was awesome and more practical, especially since MC rarely uses his puppeteer skills. But author just had to give him the same class with same abilities with every evolution