
Review Detail of Carbon_6597 in I Will Kill The Author

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Look its a good concept but it absolutely fails for me. The MC has no backbone and acts in the cringiest way. He stays weak for along time which makes it feel like he isn't the main character. There no feeling of power progression and in all honesty I would have perfered to read the story with Nero as the MC

I Will Kill The Author


Được 27 người thích


Trả lời9


thanks for the review... from the synopsis, i had guessed that the author was making excuses... my doubts are now confirmed


Realmente decepcionante , o Mc ta muito relaxado faz só o necessário pra ficar forte , nesse ritmo não sei nem o que esperar (ele vai ficar pra trás😔)


It’s only been 80 chapters so far, and you wrote this a month ago. Why do you expect the mc to be strong this soon into the book. You don’t make any sense.


thank you for your review


Better question is why is the MC still trash after 80 chapters

PillGrandCreator:It’s only been 80 chapters so far, and you wrote this a month ago. Why do you expect the mc to be strong this soon into the book. You don’t make any sense.

All I can say is just read the book and see for yourself, I have no horse in this race but I can see that many readers just want the mcs of all books to be op immediately. So what should he do for the rest of the story then? Don’t take just the begative reviews

Mac551lol:Better question is why is the MC still trash after 80 chapters
Night_Crawler619Tác giảNight_Crawler619

"The author was making excuses" for what? I have hundreds of readers of who reading rn and the number is only growing because they decided to heed my request, why would I need to make 'excuses' for anything? This person themselves hasn't read past 30 chaps.

CriticalReader:thanks for the review... from the synopsis, i had guessed that the author was making excuses... my doubts are now confirmed

Up to chapter 21 and all I see is a pansy little b**** but I’ll keep reading cuz I’m bored af. Still heart broken he pick a bow over spear.

Night_Crawler619:"The author was making excuses" for what? I have hundreds of readers of who reading rn and the number is only growing because they decided to heed my request, why would I need to make 'excuses' for anything? This person themselves hasn't read past 30 chaps.
Night_Crawler619Tác giảNight_Crawler619

I know and there's a reason I asked you all to give it a chance until 50 chaps.

Ruos:Up to chapter 21 and all I see is a pansy little b**** but I’ll keep reading cuz I’m bored af. Still heart broken he pick a bow over spear.