
Review Detail of NotBeatrix in What?! I am the Reincarnation of the Magi King?!

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From the first page, I was pulled in. Although slightly cliche with the dream sequence, it does a wonderful job of setting up the plot and made me question what would happen next. We as readers get a good idea that Dax may be more than what meets the eye. Another thing I liked in particular was how the author was able to describe things. The details are nicely done and adds a basic foundation to the characters and the world. The world building also seems interesting, I liked the concept of the nanites and the advanced world that Dax lives in. Dax and Fay also hit it off pretty well, so I'm curious to see if that's a possible shipping route, lol. The first few chapters are a slow build up, but there is lots of foreshadowing that tells you to just hang on for the ride. With that being said, there were some grammatical errors and sometimes the character interactions fall flat, but other than that, this story has a lot of potential and I look forward to reading more chapters from this awesome author. Keep up the good work, Choas! :)

What?! I am the Reincarnation of the Magi King?!


Được 10 người thích

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