
Review Detail of MarvelAtTheCosmos in DragonBall Twin Drive

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MC is in a frantic state to get stronger at all times, zero chill. refuses to handle is own family in a normal manner. ages himself like 15 years just to avoid his mothers nagging. its really just a sad MC in my eyes. He only reconciles with his mother when he's able to move away. Other than that the story is decent. One birth caused a butterfly ripple that reached across the universe apparently. probably would take more time to affect such a range but hey its a fanfic. Grammar isn't great but not terrible. hoping it gets better because I havent given up yet.

DragonBall Twin Drive


Được 18 người thích


Trả lời3


story actually proceeds to get worse when he randomly follows canon after all these ripples supposedly. if I cared more id give a worse review but this story isn't worth much.


Its not that bad bro tho it is bit fast and way too little interactions

MarvelAtTheCosmos:story actually proceeds to get worse when he randomly follows canon after all these ripples supposedly. if I cared more id give a worse review but this story isn't worth much.

agreed. how can his ripples affect events across the universe but his dad goes and dies the same exact way. has to be the worst single piece of writing I've read in a while. like Jesus. a little creative to navigate the plot while changing events should be every authors goal. he said F it, ill suddenly fall back into the plot after changing so much. lol