
Review Detail of bbugs61 in Divine alchemy system

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Ok. Just stopped at chapter 13. The story is well...I don't know how to describe it I guess it may be for teenagers? like 12 to 14 years? The thought process are quite simplistic, the mc is a kid mentally, I really feel like he thinks like my 11 year old cousin, talks naively, the story isn't really logical or maybe there is just missing a pull. Well there isn't anything making me want to read the next chapter, the next level up etc. Things are too fast. Also the reason for revenge doesn't really make us empathize with the MC. I mean their family did kill a member of the wang clan, so in this kind of society, they kind of had it coming. But don't take it personally author. I may not be the target audience for this story.

Divine alchemy system


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