
Review Detail of CephJester in The Choices We Make (RWBY fanfic)

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Everything going great so far! I might be posting a review too early on only Chapter four, but hey! The grammar/writing quality is high-quality in comparison to other stories. So far I only encountered two errors, and they were pretty easy to ignore if you're invested. So no worries there! The stability also seems pretty good, but I won't say much about that until chapter 20~ or so. Story development is also well-paced. It matches the scenarios and locations of the main RWBY show. So if you've watched that, you get an idea of the locations and characters! Character design is also good. We get an idea of the appearance of characters, although I still recommend googling the characters if you really want to know their genuine appearance and not as words, but an actual picture. And world background connects with my previous statements. AKA, this is good. Try it out.

The Choices We Make (RWBY fanfic)


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