
Review Detail of ssyffix in Flame_

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Pretty dang good, yo. It got better as you progressed. I had a pretty lol experience because each character, to me, I either LOVED or HATED. Overall tho, I’ve been enjoying thus far. The pacing is pretty good. I really liked how we just got into the story in a relatively quick manner, and not taking sooooo long to get to the stuff we wanted. You will lol a couple times with how the MC will handle a situation😂. Was also impressed with how symbols were used with intention. for example, the color schemes of characters seem to have a purpose to them. Fun story all around. Enjoying it thus far. The only qualm id have, for the purpose of the review, is that sometimes I felt like paragraphs were waaay too long. Not that this is an issue though.. I’m just used to reading light novels with much shorter paragraphs. Looking forward a to seeing how this story goes.



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Notion_TheoryTác giảNotion_Theory

thanks for the review man I'm glad you love the story and yes the colors have a purpose in the story and the concept of limbo will be explored on even more and expanded upon just you wait, we won't disappoint you at all we'll do our best to make the story even better and keep you guessing