
Review Detail of LightningCatThief in Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

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This novel had a very good start, almost exciting. The system is novel and contains hidden dangers. So what went wrong? The entire build up is wasted! MC doesn't die (no surprise) and the story changes from a good novel, driven forward by the motivations and ideas of the MC, to a mediocre political drama in which the MC uses the system to cheat at every opportunity. It just isn't interesting to read about the MC cheating his way to fame and fortune. The world building breaks down at that point as well, what was once a nebulous empire with basic technology becomes a convoluted mess of different political systems with a very narrow technological development path. It becomes clear pretty quickly that the author has no clue about communication networks and how the basic building blocks of modern technology work. I could deal with a mediocre and very illogical world, if the plot or characters held my attention in any way, but they don't. The MC becomes 1 dimensional, he even uses a spell to deal with basic communication, the side-characters are stupid cliches and the systems good and evil mechanics become a source of constant frustration.

Please Do Not Disturb My Cultivation

Mountains And Rivers Never Die

Được 18 người thích


Trả lời3


There's no point in giving a detailed 2.5 star review. Author is the one that "Never Look Back" after all. Joke aside, this is a pity. Such a waste build up story.


Agreed! could have been better if he died in the dam. And again in lower cultivation realm.


Yeah I also felt suspicious around dam arc but when he entered politics it went down hill, synopsis was based on reincarnation but didn't happen so a huge thumbs down 👎