
Review Detail of JJ_Prakoso in Androsia - The Queen of Crows

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World Background: The world building in this story is quite messy and not fully clear. I'm aware this is medieval fantasy, but I'm still don't get the clear image for this world. Therefore, I suggest to give more description about the surroundings and maybe a detail to make it more flesh out. As for the power system or Aura in this book, I suggested to develop more the mechanic of how it really works by either showing more the capability and describe the feel when the power is activated. Character: I believe the characters is pretty okay and serviceable at best. The main character so far it's fine and I do like she will have future development regarding her power and the treatment of the evil knights. While the side characters is just alright, but the author can fleshing out them more by giving more role and personality. I also like the author already introduce the significant Antagonistic in the early chapter. Pace: I think the pace is okay, but sometimes I felt too fast. Overall, it's quite good fantasy novel and I can see great potential with the elements provided in this novel. Good luck!!

Androsia - The Queen of Crows


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