
Review Detail of ranmaro in I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

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ranmaroTác giả2yrranmaro

Welcome to my novel! I always wanted to give a mix about apocalypse and reincarnation. Despite it's not literally reincarnation and it's like time travel, but both are the same. Anyway, I have already stacked almost 70 chapters, with each spanning around 2k words. So buckle up and be ready for a rollercoaster ride. Warning: It's addicting, so read with your own discretion.

I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse


Được 92 người thích


Trả lời50


is it harem? personally i prefer it not to be but it's your choice obviously, but i just don't read harem. .... . .... ... ... .. ..

ranmaroTác giảranmaro

no, there is no harem here

Idris_u:is it harem? personally i prefer it not to be but it's your choice obviously, but i just don't read harem. .... . .... ... ... .. ..

I just went through it, it’s not that bad but i already feel that it will become messed up soon. There is not even 50 chapter yet (49) and numbers are going from « i need to save 2000 » to « 10000000 is not enough for my next move… ». You make it sounds like everything is planed out, but exept for some key points he doesn’t know anything. Specially about how much point he will get or how much he will need. So here i share my though, and i dont know if i will keep reading it.

ranmaro:no, there is no harem here
ranmaroTác giảranmaro

Well, you have good points here indeed, but I have few things to say "might be considered to be spoiler so... SPOILER ALERT to new readers" 1. He knows a lot but not everything. This is intentional as it's part of the deep philosophy of the novel. Things will be clearer in the future but it's intentional. He doesn't only know one version of the story, but two contradictory versions and both aren't telling the entire thing :D 2. As he gets stronger, he will get more types of currencies he will be concerned about. For example coins at this point will be pointless, yet there will be a new currency introduced based on something he will do in the next few chapters. After he will master that, he will face a new currency he will struggle at first to acquire. Why would I do that? Well, the reason might be childish but I hate being poor so at least I won't let my boy in the novel be poor and struggle as well :D :D It's like making him living my ultimate dream, not caring about any expenses whatsoever! Last thing I hope you continue reading my novel and keep expressing your thoughts, if you enjoy it ofc. Thx for sharing :) :)

Crycks:I just went through it, it’s not that bad but i already feel that it will become messed up soon. There is not even 50 chapter yet (49) and numbers are going from « i need to save 2000 » to « 10000000 is not enough for my next move… ». You make it sounds like everything is planed out, but exept for some key points he doesn’t know anything. Specially about how much point he will get or how much he will need. So here i share my though, and i dont know if i will keep reading it.

my answer to your answer: 1- i was not speaking about his knowledge but what is stated with clear words that he does not know. 2- okay, why not but i will still give you my opinion on one point that disgust me in some other story, hoping you wont fall into it. Just before, dont forget that in chapter one he gain coins too (maybe because he is classless, but if you do lot of thing with currency it’s important to remember or edit the word coin with something else that will stay mysterious). So the thing i dislike is when authors start doing thing bigger and bigger to the point that it makes no sense, with monsters hundreds of meters tall for exemple. That doesn’t change anything in the story exept that it make it lose credibility. Here things gets in the millions when thing could just be like 100.000 but everyone get less point from everything (only you can judge that though if you have the whole main global plot already planed) 3- Okay, thanks for taking time on my comment (i already got bashed by other perfect authors when just sharing my honnest feeling). So i will still give it its chance as long as it doesn’t go premium and judge after that.

ranmaro:Well, you have good points here indeed, but I have few things to say "might be considered to be spoiler so... SPOILER ALERT to new readers" 1. He knows a lot but not everything. This is intentional as it's part of the deep philosophy of the novel. Things will be clearer in the future but it's intentional. He doesn't only know one version of the story, but two contradictory versions and both aren't telling the entire thing :D 2. As he gets stronger, he will get more types of currencies he will be concerned about. For example coins at this point will be pointless, yet there will be a new currency introduced based on something he will do in the next few chapters. After he will master that, he will face a new currency he will struggle at first to acquire. Why would I do that? Well, the reason might be childish but I hate being poor so at least I won't let my boy in the novel be poor and struggle as well :D :D It's like making him living my ultimate dream, not caring about any expenses whatsoever! Last thing I hope you continue reading my novel and keep expressing your thoughts, if you enjoy it ofc. Thx for sharing :) :)

I just wanted to know if you can tell me what chapter he will get his girlfriend.Keep up the good work I'm enjoying this work of art.

ranmaro:no, there is no harem here
ranmaroTác giảranmaro

I get your point. I appreciate anyone pointing out something that doesn't work. After all writing is a continuous learning process and my current level isn't perfect but slightly better than what I wrote one or two years before. As for the point you said, I just published something related to a new currency introduced later. See, you can see he is going to establish a channel and become like a celebrity or influencer in the apocalypse. His most precious currencies will be things like celebrity currency, a currency needed for his channel to be advanced. Ofc he didn't have such currency before as he even didn't have a class. Also he has another hard currency related to his class, so he has up till now two unique currencies other than coins. As for the coins, I forgot to mention the depreciating factor I established before which will be the loss of any monster value after the quest is over. So if he can kill thousands of monsters and garnish hundreds of thousands or even millions of coins from their loot, this will be limited to the time of the quest only. But I'll listen to your advice and exert more control over this point from now on and will make the numbers decrease to become lower than I planned. Thanks for sharing this with me, and you, and everyone else, are most welcomed to share their thoughts. I always appreciate good will and honest advices as long as they are beneficial and came from reading and not just general impression from the name or the cover of the novel like some here do :)

Crycks:my answer to your answer: 1- i was not speaking about his knowledge but what is stated with clear words that he does not know. 2- okay, why not but i will still give you my opinion on one point that disgust me in some other story, hoping you wont fall into it. Just before, dont forget that in chapter one he gain coins too (maybe because he is classless, but if you do lot of thing with currency it’s important to remember or edit the word coin with something else that will stay mysterious). So the thing i dislike is when authors start doing thing bigger and bigger to the point that it makes no sense, with monsters hundreds of meters tall for exemple. That doesn’t change anything in the story exept that it make it lose credibility. Here things gets in the millions when thing could just be like 100.000 but everyone get less point from everything (only you can judge that though if you have the whole main global plot already planed) 3- Okay, thanks for taking time on my comment (i already got bashed by other perfect authors when just sharing my honnest feeling). So i will still give it its chance as long as it doesn’t go premium and judge after that.
ranmaroTác giảranmaro

Well, I have to say that his gf was mentioned from early chapters but it's not in apparent way. The exact chapter for the two to meet together isn't here yet. I wrote 70 chapters so far and still she won't appear. But I have her in my mind and her appearing moment is well calculated. In my estimate, chapter 100 won't come before she appears. I think she is going to appear between ch 80 and 90. Once I write her chapter, I'll come and tell you about it :D

DragonGodOfIce:I just wanted to know if you can tell me what chapter he will get his girlfriend.Keep up the good work I'm enjoying this work of art.

can't wait to see it

ranmaro:Well, I have to say that his gf was mentioned from early chapters but it's not in apparent way. The exact chapter for the two to meet together isn't here yet. I wrote 70 chapters so far and still she won't appear. But I have her in my mind and her appearing moment is well calculated. In my estimate, chapter 100 won't come before she appears. I think she is going to appear between ch 80 and 90. Once I write her chapter, I'll come and tell you about it :D

thank u great one

ranmaro:no, there is no harem here

I am on chapter 28 right now. And there are already four girls that seem to be important figures..... Are they all going to fall in love with the MC??? (I hope that does not happen). Even if the MC will like only one girl, i don't like seeing all important girl figures fall for him.

ranmaroTác giảranmaro

No it won't happen! Each girl has already a suitable man I planned over from the start for them. So don't worry about that. As for the mc, he will end up having to choose between two maximum three really unique girls that will leave all the girls you saw up till now behind in the dust. It's not a harem novel as I stated earlier-despite it can be a good harem one- but I planned the mc to follow his heart and not his thing :D :D

The_Snow_Empress:I am on chapter 28 right now. And there are already four girls that seem to be important figures..... Are they all going to fall in love with the MC??? (I hope that does not happen). Even if the MC will like only one girl, i don't like seeing all important girl figures fall for him.

okay then I will keep reading Beacuse I love the plot and everything else!! ☺️

ranmaro:No it won't happen! Each girl has already a suitable man I planned over from the start for them. So don't worry about that. As for the mc, he will end up having to choose between two maximum three really unique girls that will leave all the girls you saw up till now behind in the dust. It's not a harem novel as I stated earlier-despite it can be a good harem one- but I planned the mc to follow his heart and not his thing :D :D

Personal bias here. I just do'nt like the edyness oh his personality. I like calm colleted protagnist with a plan. He is kind of puttng off fires as they come


it's regression and is there a harem?

ranmaroTác giảranmaro

Nope, no harem here.

ProfessorofCulture:it's regression and is there a harem?

Whyyy this book could be more awesome if there’s harem

ranmaro:no, there is no harem here

Why do people lIke harem pretty weird in my opinion.

Azamodeus:Whyyy this book could be more awesome if there’s harem

I ask the same question everyday

KottuRoti:Why do people lIke harem pretty weird in my opinion.

I like so far good for you! Good job.