
Review Detail of SexyBeast in Encanto... but is that a monster?

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My review 4 chapter in, Synopsis: The synopisis is what I believe a good synopisis should be or pretty close to, it sums up his backstory in a clear an concise manner and then uses 2 phrases i found really enthralling. “A plan that would enchant the most common of men…” and “But we all know that there is no such thing as a free lunch”. Especially so for the first phrase as it really intertwines with ‘Encato’ 9/10 Concept: Whilst the concept of transmigration and being given powers by a ROB is overused a bit and cliche, the world he is being sent to and the author’s own additions is unique and novel. 6/10 Pacing: The pacing within just 4 chapters is fast but you can’t expect much from a fan-fic of a disney movie. I wouldn’t expect this be a long novel just based on the current pacing in addition to the world he’s transmigrated to. 4/10 Grammar: There is grammatical mistakes Just like every other novel on this site, but I’d say its a step above other novels especially in comparison to fan-fics where the author’s first language isn’t English. Though the style of writing is quite awkard and stiff but not anything significant. 8/10 World building: Can’t speak much from a world building perspective but there was little to none world building and character explanation in the prior world. and as world building is somewhat tied to the pacing of a novel I do have to make my own assumptions but the pros of doing fan-fics is that the world building part of it is basically partially completed anyways. 5/10 Overall: I have expectations for this novel to do well for a fan-fic, and enjoyed the little bit of romance we the readers have been exposed to so far, hopefully the mc doesnt turn into those brain dead brutes who can only think with their lower half. 6.4/10 so far. ~KinglyBeast

Encanto... but is that a monster?


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SouthernPickyEaterTác giảSouthernPickyEater

As someone who loves writing, I can only say: First: English isn't my first language, it's Spanish. Second: thank you so much for this review! I am so glad someone took the time to write an actual review rather than a mindless one. I still appreciate them because they help my story anyways, but this? This helps me improve as an author and see where I can change things for the better. Answering your concern with the pacing of the story: It was rather fast in the first chapters because I needed to get this few things out of the way, and, if you really think about it, those four chapters happened in the span of a single day. So while it might feel rushed, you can expect a lot of history to come. As for the lenght, well, I don't have an "ending" planned yet. I do have a lot of events in mind and do remember that this is not just Encanto, but it has different elements mixed in. Where do the monsters come from? What even are they really? Who sent them? Disney has a huge universe I can play with freely, and I will.