
Review Detail of Angel420u in My Online Girlfriend Is The Nine Heaven Divine Phoenix

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(I have read 53 chapters) The translation is garbage as most times it misgenders some characters and some sentences are downright missing so the story's flow is destroyed. At first the story plot seems good and the mc"s system is interesting and his girlfriend being low key to check him out as well as help him was refreshing until I fucking lost the braincells that even Twitter couldn't kill. How the fuck is the gf smart enough to notice the mc's growth is abnormal but retarded enough to not realize how her lying, bitchy attitude, and GASLIGHTING to the mc is "ok". The gf's actions makes me want to kill someone. any character was has braincells or isn't annoying only appears when nesscary (so just like a few chapters) so they aren't fleshed out at all (or i stopped before they even got meaningful moments). background is just cultivation world with lots of tech and capitalism baby! there isn't alot to know about the world. The only good thing is two chapters every day. A story that showed promised being destroyed by every chapter.

My Online Girlfriend Is The Nine Heaven Divine Phoenix

My Daughter Is Too Cute

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