
Review Detail of FuryInk in Eren DxD : Achieve Freedom

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FuryInkTác giả2yrFuryInk

Hello, I'm doing this fanfic since I haven't seen any about Eren, I found it interesting to bring in DxD (not for women, it's only secondary). This story will not follow the original plot, I will put my changes there and then you know Eren so no need to draw a picture that nothing can stop him if he wants to do something. For the harem, it won't be big, 5 or 6 it depends on the progress, harem doesn't necessarily suit Eren so I'm going to avoid doing something big, sorry for those who don't like it but I'll try to do something good. Eren's personality is quite hard to do but I have my own idea so I'll try not to stray too far from the original if I can. I accept criticism and suggestions if these are helpful, thank you

Eren DxD : Achieve Freedom


Được 6 người thích


Trả lời7

FuryInkTác giảFuryInk

I thought about it, I think to reduce to 4, there will be other girls who will be interested but not reciprocated. I already have an idea of ​​the harem. (It's DxD so complicated to make no harem, it will be small in any case)

xlvlx:I would prefer no harem for eren but since there is can u reduce it to 3? and pls have ophis as she wants peace too.

Might've been good without harem🤷🏻‍♂️


my guy checkout Ba_La's review, he makesa very valid point


I would prefer no harem for eren but since there is can u reduce it to 3? and pls have ophis as she wants peace too.


I hope ophis is in them 🥺

FuryInk:I thought about it, I think to reduce to 4, there will be other girls who will be interested but not reciprocated. I already have an idea of ​​the harem. (It's DxD so complicated to make no harem, it will be small in any case)

What’s the point in having a forced harem,if it doesn’t make sense don’t do it. A DxD fic that isn’t a harem would be far more interesting.


dropped ?