
Review Detail of swordmen in Shadow Slave

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sir I know your work is very good as always but I want to ask something I swordmen I am novel writer but views are not coming what can I do sir ?

Shadow Slave


Được 2 người thích


Trả lời5




sir please tell me


Not the author, but an author myself. The answer to that is write an interesting story. Thats all it comes down to, if its good it'll get traction just don't give up. If you dont't believe me then take Shadow Slave for example. Guiltythree was writing it for about six to eight months before you could say SS blew up. I was right there when it just had like eighty chaps, and people were calling it a 'hidden gem' and all that jazz in the reviews, but it took months for people to notice. Even I dismissed it at first. But Im not saying the same will happen to everyone, Guilty is a great storyteller, but just know dedication is needed along with believing in your writing. Also there are some small things that needed to be done to get someone to even read your intresting story, like tittling your book with popular search words, and have an eyecatch cover. There are many more but you can only know by actually writing. Welp, hope that helps✌


I skimmed through your book so Im here to give another advise. I dont recommend you do this forever, but try and imitate your favourite authors. How do your favourite authors write? How long are their chaps? What kind of book covers they use? Do they write in first person or third person? I say this because they've written on webnovel long enough to instinctively do things that get readers to read there books, by imitating them you'll pick up on these things. But of course just blatant copying is a nono, you need to do what they do, know why they do it, and then find ways to improve on it and find your own style of writing.

