
Review Detail of Temposed in Shadow Slave

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Story was very intriguing at the beginning with sunny overcoming his past self in the first dream, you would think since he gain a second opportunity at life and a boundless future he would dedicate himself towards developing his skills and hardening his will consider his true name down side but I was very wrong. The second dream became a “training ground” where he needed teammates to survive and learn fighting technique. Good character development but it was painfully dragged on, finally they reached there destination and it’s a joke. not the end of the ark but the torturous beginning of a decline in everything that he build. They reach the castle and he returns to coward mode 1000, leaves the group rightfully, but becomes insane. Pretty much loses all the life and death experiences and knowledge gained, all backbone gone to then return and pretty much let himself become a real slave I mean if there was one person to avoid it was nefis knowing she was crazy and will to sacrifice everything… for someone who grew up on the street his perceptiveness is non existent. He should have realized she was catching on and created a plot to escape or die trying. Overall this could had happen in the start of the ark and him finding a way to escape by the end would have been a good conclusion maybe her death in the soul tree would be the loop hole he needed. I can’t imagine him killing nefis with the “legacy” and origin she has or if he does how many more masters he will have throughout the story.

Shadow Slave


Được 13 người thích


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even worse he forgave cassie.