
Review Detail of SomDxD in Parallel Memory

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SomDxDTác giả2yrSomDxD

Hello readers, Author here. This is the first novel I have written. This novel includes what I would in a novel where MC has the memory of this Earth. Treat this review as a Q&A page. Comment your questions, I will try to answer as long as it does not contain spoilers.


Parallel Memory


Được 106 người thích


Trả lời136


I have read 10 chapters and I can already tell it's a trash tier novel, if you were going to write a novel that basically plagiarizes the setting of 10p other novels with same background then you should have done some research and made sure to not commit the same mistakes they did. Not to mention the English in the novel is just insufferable. DROPPED.


can you tell me name of the original novel. without our oc


More chapters


Hárèm ?

SomDxDTác giảSomDxD

Like many similar novels, I decided to leave the original novel name blank. I might add it later if it is required but for now, there is no name.

Dyno_goku:can you tell me name of the original novel. without our oc

I want to see the characters photos but cannot find them that's the reason I want to see the original novel so i can who is who

SomDxD:Like many similar novels, I decided to leave the original novel name blank. I might add it later if it is required but for now, there is no name.

Will the mc have the memory of other alternate selves instead of just his life on earth?


Ya que tiene los recuerdos de su yo de la tierra DEBERIA aprovecharlos al maximo siempre me molesto que los MC no usen todo lo que saben para empoderarse por ejemplo un MC que termine en naruto se apega a naruto sin intentar recrear tecnicas de otros animes como un kame hame ha hecho de chakra y lo mismo pasa en muc en dragon ball u otra serie por eso digo ya que tiene el conocimiento DEBERIA USARLO lo mismo para tu MC por que no recrea tecnicas de otros animes y juegos en este mundo ?? Incluso los clones normales de naruto que son ilusiones serian ultra utiles solo mira a blake de RWBY y su semblanza Hay MUCHAS cosas que podria hacer para volverse poderoso pero los ignoran por completo incluso el conocimiento de sus estudios en la TIERRA deberian darle ventaja podria usar su conocimiento para controlar mejor la magia elemental incluso usar ejercicios de control de otras series para controlar mejor su magia,etc En fin eso es todo lo que queria decir este fanfic tuyo es muy bueno hasta ahora por eso te digo esto no hagas que MC desperdice su conocimiento de la tierra como otros MC haz que lo aproveche al maximo y no solo se centre en las cosas de la novela

SomDxDTác giảSomDxD

No comment!

Zamir:Will the mc have the memory of other alternate selves instead of just his life on earth?

Is there gonna be a harem?

DaoisttstKjp:More chapters





hi author I am an aspirant, who is motivated by your work to write a novel keep up the good work yours faithful


hey mr author just want to that can we trust that this novel gonna have daily updates coz the content is great it doesn't look like your a first timer though but it'd be great if you release a chapter daily

SomDxDTác giảSomDxD

Thank you for your kind words. This is really my first novel or any kind of writing for that matter. I planned to release at least 10 chapters in a week from now on.

R0Y:hey mr author just want to that can we trust that this novel gonna have daily updates coz the content is great it doesn't look like your a first timer though but it'd be great if you release a chapter daily

that's great to hear it's really an exciting experience to journey with the book and trust me this is also one of a kind and the real reason isn't in the mob character development of strength but the characters and the story development which always gives a twirk here and there and makes the story goes on. I'm really looking forward for the upcoming chapters thank you

SomDxD:Thank you for your kind words. This is really my first novel or any kind of writing for that matter. I planned to release at least 10 chapters in a week from now on.

I officially propose a demand of 2 chapters per week for this novel if anyone is interested please join me to motivate the author to write more. And I'm absolutely not being greedy for the upcoming content 😉


Do you have a discord server?? If u do pls link!!!!

SomDxD:Thank you for your kind words. This is really my first novel or any kind of writing for that matter. I planned to release at least 10 chapters in a week from now on.
SomDxDTác giảSomDxD

No, I don't have a discord server.

Dwaystowniessr:Do you have a discord server?? If u do pls link!!!!

a random meme for you author


You not saying no gives me hope

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