
Review Detail of Evelcior in Permanent Martial Arts

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Hey webnovel when are you translating the new novel from the author of the legendary mechanic. Hey webnovel when are you translating the new novel from the author of the legendary mechanic.

Permanent Martial Arts

Shadow on the Moon

Được 39 người thích


Trả lời17


WAIT WHAT the author of legendary mechanic is writing a new novel, i cant wait... and i am also kinda conflicted cus if webnovel picked the novel up and dropped it there is basically no chance of it getting picked by someone else...


ah you see, that's something that's easily answered. Piracy, good old fashioned piracy.

_VoidSlayer_:WAIT WHAT the author of legendary mechanic is writing a new novel, i cant wait... and i am also kinda conflicted cus if webnovel picked the novel up and dropped it there is basically no chance of it getting picked by someone else...

I doubt that. for the new accounts, TLM is automatically in the library without adding. so it is pretty popular and they place great importance on it.

_VoidSlayer_:WAIT WHAT the author of legendary mechanic is writing a new novel, i cant wait... and i am also kinda conflicted cus if webnovel picked the novel up and dropped it there is basically no chance of it getting picked by someone else...

us it being translated by others? not machine translation

Thicc_Lil_Unit:ah you see, that's something that's easily answered. Piracy, good old fashioned piracy.

webnovels shouldn't pick it but unfortunately only they would get the chance but if wuxiaworld gets it i won't have any problem

_VoidSlayer_:WAIT WHAT the author of legendary mechanic is writing a new novel, i cant wait... and i am also kinda conflicted cus if webnovel picked the novel up and dropped it there is basically no chance of it getting picked by someone else...

Is it illegal for someone to translate a Webnovel and post it for free?

_VoidSlayer_:WAIT WHAT the author of legendary mechanic is writing a new novel, i cant wait... and i am also kinda conflicted cus if webnovel picked the novel up and dropped it there is basically no chance of it getting picked by someone else...

Can you tell me the name of the new novel?




name ?


i think (big emphasis on think) you are good as long as you dont earn anything from it

Cursed_sin:Is it illegal for someone to translate a Webnovel and post it for free?

What abt theough patreon or donations?

_VoidSlayer_:i think (big emphasis on think) you are good as long as you dont earn anything from it



i think those are fine cus almost all tls earn their money through patreon and advanced ch

Cursed_sin:What abt theough patreon or donations?

Astral Apostle

AsurA:name ?

If you are talking about Astral Apostle it is already on webnovel it just doesn't show up if you don't search for it


sadly its on hiatus rn but it is still good a you can see the effort the author put in world building hopefully the author isnt sick and just had a burnout and can recover soon and well


ChatGPT says: The legality of translating and sharing works of art for free depends on several factors, including the type of work being translated and the applicable copyright laws in the country where the translation is being made and shared. In general, most creative works, including literature, music, and visual art, are protected by copyright law. This means that the creator or copyright owner has exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and publicly display their work, and others must obtain permission or a license to use or translate the work. Therefore, translating and sharing a work of art without the copyright owner's permission or a license could constitute copyright infringement, which is illegal in most countries. However, some countries may allow for limited exceptions to copyright law, such as fair use or fair dealing, which permit certain uses of copyrighted material without the copyright owner's permission. It's also worth noting that some works of art may be in the public domain, meaning that the copyright has expired or the creator has waived their rights. In these cases, it may be legal to translate and share the work without permission. In summary, whether it is legal to translate and share works of art for free depends on several factors, including the type of work and the applicable copyright laws in the country where the translation is being made and shared. It's important to obtain permission or a license from the copyright owner or to ensure that the work is in the public domain before translating and sharing it.

Cursed_sin:Is it illegal for someone to translate a Webnovel and post it for free?