
Review Detail of Kayla_Dubois in Being A Shrew to My Ex-Husband After Our Divorce

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You know what I like? Women learning their worth and abandoning scum husbands or lovers. But WTF is this! I read the fucking mtl and the bastard ex husband is the freaking male lead! I don't know what possessed her to get back with him because I can't find any redeeming qualities at all. If the author at least said that the ml had been in love with the fmc for all the years of their marriage and that it was just a misunderstanding then maybe I could accept it, but NO! He only fell in love with her after she divorced him! If he couldn't see what a fantastic person she was during the marriage, then he shouldn't get the chance to see after the divorce. And it was a fact that he had an ambiguous relationship with that Gan girl what's her name. I don't know what possessed the fmc when she chose to get back with him, but it's nothing good. 🤦 Love in Chinese novels makes a lot of fmc do stupid things. They can't even think rationally! I was there for her smart side; not the dumb infatuated look she has on. I'm not even sure if Wei what's his name even grovels. If he did, that would make the read worth it, but knowing these dumb authors and the stupid pride of the mls in Chinese romance books, it's highly unlikely.

Being A Shrew to My Ex-Husband After Our Divorce

Iron Heart

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I'm not even sure if Wei what's his name even grovels. If he did, that would make the read worth it, but knowing these dumb authors and the stupid pride of the mls in Chinese romance books, it's highly unlikely.