
Review Detail of GeneralDeFartos_L in Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

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Me reading till chapter 1237 attests to how good this story is. If you want a Fantasy story that's well built and has a serious author that wanted to build a world, then this is one of the best stories you would find on WebNovel. -World building is top tier. -Characters are unique and are seriously growing. -Main character get gradual and realistic growth in personality and goals and power. -Power dynamics and politics are well established and well thought out. -Actual power scaling and what each level entails are really planned well and the system has no cracks. well done. ------ Now for what I didn't like: - The story is really slow, extremely so. Specifically in terms of over explaining and expanding on everything. Combat with inconsequential enemies lasts over 20 chapters, and planning chapters go over 6 chapters, and "planning" happens all the time so you get how frustrating it gets, and I'm not going to explain how every chapter could be shortened considerably if the unnecessary expanding on information isn't implemented. While it helps explain all the world building and lore and set the start to a great story, The problems are in the fact that this over explaining never ceases and continues throughout all chapters. Going in depth and expanding on details should only be done at the start of the story and when critical events that affect the story are at play. Giving reasoning behind decisions and expanding on combat and action are all fine. However, going in depth about some battles that won't add anything to the story or going on and on about motives or expanding on everything and all parts of the story when it's not needed just makes it boring. Often times I find myself skipping past explanations, but even that doesn't help how slow this story is. This brings me to the second bad. - Slow development. We get a picture of how the world is bigger than it seems and there being other worlds and greater entities. However, After 1000 chapter, our MC is still in level 3 so to speak, he's only just at the starting line as explained by author. So all that happened thus far for 4 volumes (about 1000 chapters) is just a prologue technically. MC is still in the starting kingdom, He is still developing, and is still considered weak even in this kingdom. And by chapter 1200, he's just recently Graduated. - Time is wacky. Author lost count how much time is supposed to have passed. MC is supposedly still a kid. He finished his first academy year and then went out and finished all requirements for graduation during his second year, but author sometimes says things like "it's been years since this happened" when in reality it should've been a few months. MC is made out to be a guy in his 20s when he's still 15 or 16. And I think author lost track at this point. This just goes to show how my first point holds true. Our MC just spent a little over 2 years since his journey began and we're over 1200 by this point. - Same problem as with Chinese novels: powers that at the start get mentioned of being only for the elite get treated like cabbage later on in the chapters. MC has soul sense, which supposedly only select few can aquire such ability (when even sages couldn't) but somehow during graduation at least 4 students had it. I don't care if they're elite, soul sense was supposed to be heaven defying in being aquired, and it's extremely rare. But somehow a small kingdom got a bunch of them and they're low rankers. On another note, leveling is wacky. MC got crazy powers that could level him up through crazy shortcuts, He can basically devour all achievements of others as his own. And yet you're telling me that there are random kids in his graduation that have the same rank as him? and what's worse is the reason behind their rank is their backing and resources? Now how the heck does that make sense? So resources could bridge the gap of the super broken abilities of MC? Nah, that's just author wanting to balance the field, and I can't say I'm impressed. It's like being told you're the best writer in the country, but a few days later it turns out you're just one of many. I felt betrayed.

Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil


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