
Review Detail of Javuj_Patel in King's Awakening

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Whats happening to webnovel. Once upon a time, I looked forward to my Fridays because of the great books that came out every week. As time passed, the quality dropped slowly, but as Webnovel already had all the good books, this was understable. At some point the gems will run out, and you will have to wait for new ones to be made. But nowadays, the quality of the books webnovel are putting out every week are absolute trash. Absolute garbage. mindless plots, tropes and cliches that have been recycled a thousand times over. I would have to go back months to find a batch of books that had a character with the slightest depth to it. Please Webnovel, give us some good books.

King's Awakening

Emerging Blockhouse

Được 128 người thích


Trả lời23


*if you are stupid auto-correct


its trash ever since they take this faloo novels


not even that how long will it take for the top books in the boting pool to finally come out? theyve been there for a month now!


while dropping amount of trial reads to


There is a reason we are no longer able to see the rating of novels.


If you want the truth….All of the original / good authors that were brought over are no longer here. They have all gone back to where they were originally were or found somewhere else. WN has become the warehouse for new novelists and stealing comics. This is how WN has adapted to the market pressure, since they found out they could no longer compete in keeping the good authors in house any longer. It would be nice if someone in upper management realized that wasn’t the best decision they made.


where have they gone exactly and how can I read their new works?

Am3lia:If you want the truth….All of the original / good authors that were brought over are no longer here. They have all gone back to where they were originally were or found somewhere else. WN has become the warehouse for new novelists and stealing comics. This is how WN has adapted to the market pressure, since they found out they could no longer compete in keeping the good authors in house any longer. It would be nice if someone in upper management realized that wasn’t the best decision they made.

I totally agree all books are about being over powered to point that story does not matter or having a system that can make you invinsabke after while. There no point at all if characters force fed everything and have nothing to over come.


If I tell you where most are at my note will be deleted. What I advise you to do is find you favorite author and do an internet search. Also, a lot of the best authors have works in WN but they are 3-4 years old so its a little hard to find them but they are here. So find those and see who you like if you haven’t already.

MrSquare:where have they gone exactly and how can I read their new works?

Oh the other place you can always look is novel updates. Almost forgot since i haven’t been there in a while. That is a great place to find new novels being translated.

MrSquare:where have they gone exactly and how can I read their new works?

Do we even want those to be released though?

ThanatosGreekGod:not even that how long will it take for the top books in the boting pool to finally come out? theyve been there for a month now!

That one with the 1000 undead seems good

not_bob_builder:Do we even want those to be released though?

3000 Death soldiers*

ThanatosGreekGod:That one with the 1000 undead seems good

Do you mean "Starting in an Online Game With 3000 Death Soldiers"?

ThanatosGreekGod:That one with the 1000 undead seems good

yes 😅

not_bob_builder:Do you mean "Starting in an Online Game With 3000 Death Soldiers"?

spread the message 👍👍


For those looking for stories, I've put some of the older stories I've read and newer ones that I really liked in reading lists, You might find one you some stories you like, (They can be found under my profile)


your taste is mad bad

DaoistMochi:For those looking for stories, I've put some of the older stories I've read and newer ones that I really liked in reading lists, You might find one you some stories you like, (They can be found under my profile)

We just don't have the same story preferences

Cash_xo:your taste is mad bad

shut up. nothing as such happened. clearly you don't even understand the difference between translation and original. stop spreading lies.

Am3lia:If you want the truth….All of the original / good authors that were brought over are no longer here. They have all gone back to where they were originally were or found somewhere else. WN has become the warehouse for new novelists and stealing comics. This is how WN has adapted to the market pressure, since they found out they could no longer compete in keeping the good authors in house any longer. It would be nice if someone in upper management realized that wasn’t the best decision they made.