
Review Detail of Sub_Mav in The Horizon After the End

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Alright, it's about time I gave a review on this fanfic(What I observed up to chapter 20).Firstly, the grammar. It's good, there are only a few incorrect ones. The story seems to be following the canon but I like how you're changing and adding stuff to make it not a carbon copy of the original with slight changes. The mc uses other moves from different animes such as demon slayer. I have a question though. How do you plan on doing the harem? Will you go about the cliché "we talked about it and considered sharing?" Hopefully you make it realistic with a few drama there but not too much. Overall 8/10 for me.

The Horizon After the End


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DoublenileTác giảDoublenile

also soz about slow upload. i'm starting uni again soon so im very bust with getting acomodation ready while also keeping up on projects n stuff


A fan fiction is not supposed to follow the canon otherwise it is plagiarism ^^' It can follow the minimum or use it as a base, but to follow it at 100% or 80% and not to put your sauce is not a fan fiction anymore, but a copy of the original with some correction and modification, a fan fiction must be completely different but be based on the original, that it is a minimum canon but not necessarily