
Review Detail of RensT in Pokemon - Alex Burns

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Loving your story so far! The amount of updates is very satisfying. Especially when compared to the average on this site. Your writing quality is completely fine too. I haven't caught you out on too many grammar mistakes yet. Story development is slow paced, but I applaud you for that and am personally just hoping that you stick with this story to work out everything I like to imagine you have running in your head for this. Character design is still not completely fleshed out, but that can be contributed to the slow story development as well. I'm hoping this will be improved at some point in the story though. Don't fall for the trap of 'writing an adventure' without building the characters going on said adventure first. That would hurt the amazing story you're writing so far. World background basically the same advice as character design. It's not an issue, but don't forget about it. Would definitely want to learn more details about the exact world you're creating here. It's already a bit more impressive because of the infodumps you made in earlier chapters with the whole examination thing and all, but there's always more to a world than you can explain in a single chapter so keep improving the image to really bring it to life. Ignore all the haters giving bad reviews & the kids asking for timeskips or whatever. Your story is doing great and I hope you keep the slow build & update speed instead.

Pokemon - Alex Burns


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