
Review Detail of SadanandanKakkanat in Project next

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SadanandanKakkanatTác giả2yrSadanandanKakkanat

Far, far away, there is a world. The name of the king of a country there is Derbela. When a foreigner came, the king received a pipe as a gift. The foreigner said that the king would get the power of God if he blew the pipe. The king has always blown through that pipe ever since. While others thought it sounded ugly, King found it interesting. He lost focus on governance. Some were saying that children and youth were disappearing in many parts of the country. Although some wanted to see the king and complain, the king did not consider them. He blew the pipe and made noise, annoying others. The king often dreamed that the gods would come together from the world of gods and take the king to the world of gods. Kokila, the second queen, summoned the Prime Minister. The minister stood in front of the queen and placed both hands on her head. That is the body language that says I am your slave.

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