
Review Detail of DeadSoil in Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse

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I love to read apocalypse novel and with a system like that... but i must say this novel is mediocre and cliche. first you have that stereotype of chinese names that are annoying to remember, then of course there come those ''her beauty could bring down empires''. a bunch of retards who seem to have never seen a woman and the author is not tired of describing one beauty after another... but if all that wasn't enough, you have a copy or a great coincidence of a novel which for many should not be a mystery. and finally you will read 100 chapters without any progress. let's be honest the protagonist could have left this place a long time ago but he didn't because? I'm sure you'll find a lot of excuses. but if all that i said wasn't enough then we have a protagonist with a weak mentality, where he acts like it's the end of the world if his family died.

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse


Được 218 người thích


Trả lời24


I agree with you, so far I haven't understood why he stays with that group that is made up solely of useless people when he is supposedly desperate to go after his family


Idk of you're just stupid or don't really have emotions, either way this review is making you seem like the former. The MC only cares about his family, he has trust issues so he doesn't have friends. The men who look stupid to you is looking for ways to vent their mind numbing stress. So far, I have only read of two beauties after fifty chapters. it's funny how what you're trying to ridicule is their realistic behavior, ones revolving around their personalities and how they're coping with a sudden apocalypse.


1 Tout le monde mets des bons commentaires mais pas toi déjà on se pose des questions 2 tes raisons sont totalement farfelues Si ta envie de critiquer quelqu'un mets au moins des argument valable et crédible et fais pas chier en mettant une mauvaise note alors que ce novel est génial


Wait wait wait. So. Acting like it's the end of the world when your family dies means you have a weak mentality ??? Wut ? 😂Damn I have seen many weird comments but this one is definitely in the top 15.


100 chapters without any progress? Were you actually reading or just skimmed through the chapters? Weak Mentality? Cause he was worried about his family? Dom Toretto would like to have a word with you


yea I also like loner type mc 🙂


agreed, it is hard to remember their names.



Maxime_Gam:1 Tout le monde mets des bons commentaires mais pas toi déjà on se pose des questions 2 tes raisons sont totalement farfelues Si ta envie de critiquer quelqu'un mets au moins des argument valable et crédible et fais pas chier en mettant une mauvaise note alors que ce novel est génial

Your giving it a bad raring for a very stupid and selfish reason. but its your opinion. in my opinion this is one of the best apocalypse stories you can find in general.


How do you dislike a comment? 1. As to why the have “cliche” Chinese names hmmm i don’t know but many because they are in china 0-0 2. As to why you can’t remember their names, that is probably because you have a bad memory. 3. Are you only saying that after 100 chapters there is no progress because they are still in the same location? Throughout that time the writer has been fleshing out the common sense of the world, the personalities of the people around the Mc and had been steadily explains the process of what’s happening in their attempt to escape. 4. As to why he keeps explaining people beauty, that’s because the soul record (the main concept of the book) naturally makes people more beautiful as time goes on. He doesn’t even use the same lines. And why are you complaining about him describing the characters. Oh yes I would also like to read a book where I know nothing about the characters. 5. What do you mean a weak mentality? He literally murder a student in cold blood. Can you do that? If not what’s your mentality? ?_? 6. Why is it the end of the world if his family did. Well idk but I’m pretty attached to my family so I don’t know if you just a rough childhood or something but yeah.


It is very boring in that kind of novels that they constantly talks about beauties. It really boring every characters is called very handsome, very beautiful when her name is mentioned.


You'll love the recent chapters. Come back.


They explain why he stays. And the reason is very realistic. Mc is not dumb and thinks he can take on 20+ million creatures or undead by himself. So of course he stays with a group of useless people. Because some will eventually gain courage and help. Which makes it easier for him to travel and get his family. I don’t understand how the mc being smart is bad? Should he just be a lone wolf and think he can fight millions of undead by himself or kill hundreds or thousands of creatures who are many times stronger than him?

aBRAkADABRA:I agree with you, so far I haven't understood why he stays with that group that is made up solely of useless people when he is supposedly desperate to go after his family

Some people are simply too edgy. They won't understand the logic.

KingJamir:They explain why he stays. And the reason is very realistic. Mc is not dumb and thinks he can take on 20+ million creatures or undead by himself. So of course he stays with a group of useless people. Because some will eventually gain courage and help. Which makes it easier for him to travel and get his family. I don’t understand how the mc being smart is bad? Should he just be a lone wolf and think he can fight millions of undead by himself or kill hundreds or thousands of creatures who are many times stronger than him?

giving a bad rating*

Void_Guardian:Your giving it a bad raring for a very stupid and selfish reason. but its your opinion. in my opinion this is one of the best apocalypse stories you can find in general.

But I have to agree that every time author describes the beauty it irritates me. Consistently describing the same girl is really annoying.

Void_Guardian:Your giving it a bad raring for a very stupid and selfish reason. but its your opinion. in my opinion this is one of the best apocalypse stories you can find in general.

Nah it's really tough to remember chinese name because they all looks the same du zang , du zeng sooo confusing. It might not seems difficult for chinese people but for others it's really tough.

InspiredOne1:How do you dislike a comment? 1. As to why the have “cliche” Chinese names hmmm i don’t know but many because they are in china 0-0 2. As to why you can’t remember their names, that is probably because you have a bad memory. 3. Are you only saying that after 100 chapters there is no progress because they are still in the same location? Throughout that time the writer has been fleshing out the common sense of the world, the personalities of the people around the Mc and had been steadily explains the process of what’s happening in their attempt to escape. 4. As to why he keeps explaining people beauty, that’s because the soul record (the main concept of the book) naturally makes people more beautiful as time goes on. He doesn’t even use the same lines. And why are you complaining about him describing the characters. Oh yes I would also like to read a book where I know nothing about the characters. 5. What do you mean a weak mentality? He literally murder a student in cold blood. Can you do that? If not what’s your mentality? ?_? 6. Why is it the end of the world if his family did. Well idk but I’m pretty attached to my family so I don’t know if you just a rough childhood or something but yeah.

It's not how he describes the character. it's just annoying to read the description of the same character again and again 🙄

InspiredOne1:How do you dislike a comment? 1. As to why the have “cliche” Chinese names hmmm i don’t know but many because they are in china 0-0 2. As to why you can’t remember their names, that is probably because you have a bad memory. 3. Are you only saying that after 100 chapters there is no progress because they are still in the same location? Throughout that time the writer has been fleshing out the common sense of the world, the personalities of the people around the Mc and had been steadily explains the process of what’s happening in their attempt to escape. 4. As to why he keeps explaining people beauty, that’s because the soul record (the main concept of the book) naturally makes people more beautiful as time goes on. He doesn’t even use the same lines. And why are you complaining about him describing the characters. Oh yes I would also like to read a book where I know nothing about the characters. 5. What do you mean a weak mentality? He literally murder a student in cold blood. Can you do that? If not what’s your mentality? ?_? 6. Why is it the end of the world if his family did. Well idk but I’m pretty attached to my family so I don’t know if you just a rough childhood or something but yeah.

You're making a good point, and to make it clear for some people in the comments, if the author were to remove all the parts where he either unnecessarily rambled about a characters beauty or just something random being repeated, this novel would have 600 instead of the current 800 chapters


Agree chinese name must be removed from all novel if the novel not good enough easy for people to forget that bad name, and should we remove that beauty bring down a empire i think already read 100 chinse with beauty bring down empire