
Review Detail of _Sha in The Player's System

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_ShaTác giả3yr_Sha

Author's note: There are few things that should be cleared before you pick up the story and give it a go. 1. The intention of writing this gaming novel is not to educate noobs. There are so many gaming novels talking about every skills dragging hundred of chapters in increasing the levels of the skills and blah blah. So to say you won't find cliche things. If you cannot digest something new then do not try this story. 2. My writing style differ. I am an original author and I have my creative space so my writing has its difference which might be new or unacceptable for many of you. So if you decide to read it then it means you can tolerate different writing style. If you still complain then your complains would be considered groundless. 3. I am not native English speaker and English is my fourth run on language. You can expect grammer 'degenration' at many points in the novel. If you feel sour reading poor grammer based story then my suggestion is to save your taste buds. 4. I have no plans of including romance or harem in this story. 5. This story is created in alternate universe so keep your common sense limited to yourself. 6. I will be hiring artist to draw main characters so that you can have general idea about our MC's team. 7. If necessary I will create character lists and the list of professions other than the weapons. Anyone interested to take look at those lists can join my discord server. 8. Enjoy the story development with the author. Have questions other than the above mentioned then leave a comment here.

The Player's System


Được 49 người thích


Trả lời35


honestly, i got turned off by this comment, i mean, you know your faults, but you don't try to solve it, instead you go "I'm like this, deal with it". thanks, but no thanks.


Can you give the link to your discord server please? The one in your other novel isn’t working. ThX


Fourth language? That's really impressive. Who would care about the grammar mistakes after reading that?


your grammar sucks.


I would.

HGB:Fourth language? That's really impressive. Who would care about the grammar mistakes after reading that?

here is what you do. go to Google translate.


but still. great book.


With all the programs out nowadays that help with grammar, I'm surprised so many people make the excuse of "not my native language" for bad grammar. There are also people willing to help edit for free sometimes. I offer to anyone who is interested free proofreading/editing of any personal or professional work that may require proofreading/editing.


This author review completely turned me off from the novel. I can tolerate some bad grammar but there's really not an excuse for it, editor is a job for a reason. You'd even be able to find people to edit for free just so they can read the latest chapter early. No excuses. People spend money on reading these novels, a certain level of quality is expected.

_ShaTác giả_Sha

true bro! saving money for edits.

Neo_truth:This author review completely turned me off from the novel. I can tolerate some bad grammar but there's really not an excuse for it, editor is a job for a reason. You'd even be able to find people to edit for free just so they can read the latest chapter early. No excuses. People spend money on reading these novels, a certain level of quality is expected.

Your grammer suck




Is there gonna be romance? Haven't started the story yet.

_ShaTác giả_Sha


NAHYAN09:Is there gonna be romance? Haven't started the story yet.

how should I contact you?

Br1ght3y3s_2368:With all the programs out nowadays that help with grammar, I'm surprised so many people make the excuse of "not my native language" for bad grammar. There are also people willing to help edit for free sometimes. I offer to anyone who is interested free proofreading/editing of any personal or professional work that may require proofreading/editing.

My email is prwordwizard @ gmail . com (ignore the spaces).

VOID_:how should I contact you?

holy shiii 4 languages???? I barely passed spanish and only know 7 words after 4 years in it


maybe you're just a troll so all I'm gonna say is reread what she wrote in the comment then think if your comment makes sense

Dao_of_infinity:your grammar sucks.

the novel is in the top 10 in the ranking but there is no presence of readers in the chapters. Not a single comment in the chapters, no discussions, nothing. Please don't take offense but it feels like this is artificially inflated to be on the rankings.


even with Google translate their will be about 25% translation error still. So yeah fun fact for you. Choose whether to retailate or not I don't care

Dao_of_infinity:here is what you do. go to Google translate.