
Review Detail of InHisName in MMORPG: I Can See Hidden Information

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There has to be some smart people on here. This is clearly just another variation of all those 'I Can See Hints' novel. It follows the exact same script but in a different setting (open world fantasy this time). What's worse, even the underlying mechanic is the same. The exact same crafting interface, and trade network. The exact same chat and of course...can't forget the copy-and-pasted 'special' love interests. There's nothing original here - even the events and interaction (including dialogue) is the exact same. The only difference from the other hint novels? In this novel, instead of the system subtly manipulating the protagonist, it does it overtly. The system heavily recommends some actions, whilst discouraging others. The protagonist of course listens like the good dog that he is. Sigh...

MMORPG: I Can See Hidden Information

Hong Chen Qian Zhang

Được 66 người thích


Trả lời11


Yes it's the same thing. A game with a bug. Before a person in another world with a buggy bug. And this time apocalypse game world with another bug. These system is virus to novel community. If you are not good just add a system twist and see there you get a good shi*. No reasoning no finding just annihilation of the other world. They think earth humans are crazy time bombs. Just set a good system and see in few years the protagonist making whole world to salute him for his unforgivable jobs to the other world.


Because all these systems, Social Credit System, Scanning Face system, cameras at door, "good" government keeping peace is basically what runs in China and what globalists are implementing globally since it has been tested to work properly. So basically they're programming it into your mind, so when govt comes after you, you'll be as obedient as MCs in these novels as well. You will be willing to listen to orders "for your good", catch "criminals" who go after govt, accept "AI in your body" (or chip), allow for discrimination and so on. So be prepared bro this is the reality they have created for your future.


I don't agree with 1* rev. Its full of plot armor but its well written and I guess I give it 3*(its not terrible / impossible to read).


Eyy hes pretty based, and knows what's going on, hello fellow in the know!

GrandpaPeng:Because all these systems, Social Credit System, Scanning Face system, cameras at door, "good" government keeping peace is basically what runs in China and what globalists are implementing globally since it has been tested to work properly. So basically they're programming it into your mind, so when govt comes after you, you'll be as obedient as MCs in these novels as well. You will be willing to listen to orders "for your good", catch "criminals" who go after govt, accept "AI in your body" (or chip), allow for discrimination and so on. So be prepared bro this is the reality they have created for your future.

GrandpaPeng:Because all these systems, Social Credit System, Scanning Face system, cameras at door, "good" government keeping peace is basically what runs in China and what globalists are implementing globally since it has been tested to work properly. So basically they're programming it into your mind, so when govt comes after you, you'll be as obedient as MCs in these novels as well. You will be willing to listen to orders "for your good", catch "criminals" who go after govt, accept "AI in your body" (or chip), allow for discrimination and so on. So be prepared bro this is the reality they have created for your future.

you're not wrong

GrandpaPeng:Because all these systems, Social Credit System, Scanning Face system, cameras at door, "good" government keeping peace is basically what runs in China and what globalists are implementing globally since it has been tested to work properly. So basically they're programming it into your mind, so when govt comes after you, you'll be as obedient as MCs in these novels as well. You will be willing to listen to orders "for your good", catch "criminals" who go after govt, accept "AI in your body" (or chip), allow for discrimination and so on. So be prepared bro this is the reality they have created for your future.

I think you guy should read the real good novel instead of most trash novel on this website though (only few in this site are good like lord of the mystery though), recommend read 'The perfect run' on royalroad, you can read the review for idea, beside I already read to latest chapter so it very good and realistic so far (the mc have 'save point' so he basically have all the time in the world and already master most normal skill, even then there are still challenge that just time travel won't solve easy)


I agree with some parts but i didint see the love interest if its that one girl at the start that shows up on one chapter then im not sure


Well it is just to find fun from the system and how to use it for the author usage


try reading when i got reincarnated as a spider with my goddess you won't be disappointed



GrandpaPeng:Because all these systems, Social Credit System, Scanning Face system, cameras at door, "good" government keeping peace is basically what runs in China and what globalists are implementing globally since it has been tested to work properly. So basically they're programming it into your mind, so when govt comes after you, you'll be as obedient as MCs in these novels as well. You will be willing to listen to orders "for your good", catch "criminals" who go after govt, accept "AI in your body" (or chip), allow for discrimination and so on. So be prepared bro this is the reality they have created for your future.