
Review Detail of Ikar0z in Blood Elf Monarch

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The grammar is good enough and the chapters are an okay lenght, the story have promice of Epic scale and awesomeness the likes of Warhammer 40k but is quickly squashed (maybe in the far future). then there is an extremely annoying sister and an overly dog-like MC that gets nerfed time and time again going from possibly "OP" to barely "Strong from the start".

Blood Elf Monarch


Được 35 người thích


Trả lời7


i agree


sucks when you see an OP tag, expect an OP MC, but they're just lucky to progress the story or as you said nerfed to also develop the story. More authors should read OP mc's like dual cultivation where he is truly OP, but the story is brilliant.


I think author made MC way too strong (stat wise) at the start and wrote himself into a corner. It's going to be hard to fix. *** SPOILER *** Blood Elf MC's stats at the beginning are higher than Earth's Greatest Magus MC's at chapter 500. Both stories are set in the same world.


He has OP as One of the tags for the novel so doing it the way he did with the nerfs are just bad writing imo. IF you have OP as one of the tags i dont expect constant nerfs, but maybe thats just me...

Galecto:I think author made MC way too strong (stat wise) at the start and wrote himself into a corner. It's going to be hard to fix. *** SPOILER *** Blood Elf MC's stats at the beginning are higher than Earth's Greatest Magus MC's at chapter 500. Both stories are set in the same world.

The problem is that it's not the usual cultivation world where there is always a "sky above the sky" and no limit to growth. The max level afaik is Supreme Magus. MC started at Acolyte 9. After that is Magus, then like 6 levels later is the end. As I said it's going to be hard to fix. MC is OP, author just didn't write it in a way that it could be felt. Maybe he wants to drag the story as long as possible, idk

Ikar0z:He has OP as One of the tags for the novel so doing it the way he did with the nerfs are just bad writing imo. IF you have OP as one of the tags i dont expect constant nerfs, but maybe thats just me...

Well how could i know the "limit" since from what i remember from the free chapters it does not say anything about that "roof", neither did i read any other of the authors works. I came for the title and the tags as i assume many others did and expect what is stated to be delivered. Then if author dont deliver on that (imo) then i fell i have the right to vocalice that since that is MY experience of the story.

Galecto:The problem is that it's not the usual cultivation world where there is always a "sky above the sky" and no limit to growth. The max level afaik is Supreme Magus. MC started at Acolyte 9. After that is Magus, then like 6 levels later is the end. As I said it's going to be hard to fix. MC is OP, author just didn't write it in a way that it could be felt. Maybe he wants to drag the story as long as possible, idk

...This is set in Magus world? Like literally? Is it the same author? If not, is this a fanfic? ...Or just plagiarism?