
Review Detail of FNU_LNU in Xianxia: I Can Download Fully Levelled Abilities

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i refuse to read westernized and/or MTL translations on this site. this is bad trend that needs to be stopped in the roots. ffs in synopsis you have Lin Yi as MC and in first chapter MC is named Victor... and as if that is not bad enough, every other character is having normal chinese name... ffs why westernize only MC? 1 star to all novels with MTL and westernizations. keep translations pure.

Xianxia: I Can Download Fully Levelled Abilities

Annual Ruthlessness

Được 46 người thích


Trả lời7


usually it's because they are taking published novels from sites that aren't qidian in China and rewriting the characters so that they don't get caught for copyright infringement before releasing it on here in English. I noticed this recently and now I read mtls rather than this garbage because not only is the plot confusing, the bootlegs on here tend to be lower quality in every other aspect as well.


And I refuse to accept your negative comment! This novel is good!


true i dont care about you know what i like western names cause i can remember them better


westernization is not only about names. it is very bad translator practice that can change whole novel. it can be as small as changing one name, to changing names of all characters, cities, states and other entities (e.g. FBI). it gives plot holes, inconsistent behavior and in case of translator change it can make novel almost unreadable depending on how new translator decides to translate the book.

Battleblaze:true i dont care about you know what i like western names cause i can remember them better

yea i gotta agree on that with you i only liked it when they changed names of people but i dont like them changing the story itself

FNU_LNU:westernization is not only about names. it is very bad translator practice that can change whole novel. it can be as small as changing one name, to changing names of all characters, cities, states and other entities (e.g. FBI). it gives plot holes, inconsistent behavior and in case of translator change it can make novel almost unreadable depending on how new translator decides to translate the book.

I also refuse to read the novels that translators ruin because they change names/places to Western one. It shows they suck as a translator but given how this site works and the people that Think its the best i have no hope for humanity


how the heck did trans go from lin yi to victor, and skipping lenny completely. they pick an english name from a hat ?