
Review Detail of LordInsanity in I Can Cultivate With One Click

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Can't help but rate it poorly MC reincarnated as a reincarnator. Like others of this species, they reincarnate in groups to attain strength and wealth over lives. They have a reincarnator world which they stay in inbetween reincarnations. MC is an isekaitard. He admits to simply seeing this second life of his as a game. First thing he does is screw around with a young master, they had some problems before mc popped in but whatever. What gets me annoyed is that MC gained power 100x more than this young master and for like 5 chapters of wasting time and just doing nothing when he's supposed to kill him. The entire few chapters is people reacting to him wanting to kill this young master who hasn't even showed up yet. MC with his skills could just hurry up and kill them all in a few seconds and ignore everything else, but he drags it all around, for what word count? MC can insta-op himself with his system which makes it feel like fanfic. Nothing much so far.

I Can Cultivate With One Click

Financial Overlord

Được 143 người thích


Trả lời25


well, fantasy simulator is the beter version


you know others like this?, cold you please say some of them?


Thank you, this review is actually useful unlike what some other people put out.


You've rated this novel too high bro. Imho the author should be in jail for even writing this trash.


"feels like fanfic" lol it's so true. Like there is one point where the MC has just reincarnated and he reincartes into the body of a middle aged man, it's made pretty clear that the middle aged man is supposed to be a bit of a loser but instantly after he shaves he's suddenly so attractive that people go silent when he walks into rooms. It just feels like dumb wish fullfillment


Read way of the devil

GOD_OF_PATO:you know others like this?, cold you please say some of them?


ultimatecoom:Read way of the devil

Way of the devil and mystical journey and nightmares path are all good novel all from same author way of the devil is the best out of the 3 and only way of the devil and mystical journey are system novels but nightmares path is still good novel and way of the devils system is sorta like this novel where he can instantly level up a techniques and become strong fast but its realistic with it and he needs resources to level up the techniques and cant just become a god through one technique and I also know another novel where it's exactly like this novel but I think this novel is trash and that novel is also trash I forgot its name but it's on wuxiaworld.site if you want to look for it he uses a smart phone app to automatically cultivate techniques and skills


Thank you.


imagine calling a 3.5 stars rating poorly


yeah I get it, I don't have a good impression of novels with anything less than a 4. but imagine actually putting some trust in webnovels review system that's hilarious

CaptainBoyHole:imagine calling a 3.5 stars rating poorly

thnaks man im reading way of the devil right now im at chapter 225 now its realy good as you say

ultimatecoom:Way of the devil and mystical journey and nightmares path are all good novel all from same author way of the devil is the best out of the 3 and only way of the devil and mystical journey are system novels but nightmares path is still good novel and way of the devils system is sorta like this novel where he can instantly level up a techniques and become strong fast but its realistic with it and he needs resources to level up the techniques and cant just become a god through one technique and I also know another novel where it's exactly like this novel but I think this novel is trash and that novel is also trash I forgot its name but it's on wuxiaworld.site if you want to look for it he uses a smart phone app to automatically cultivate techniques and skills

and if you remember the trash novel name please tell me i would like to see it

ultimatecoom:Way of the devil and mystical journey and nightmares path are all good novel all from same author way of the devil is the best out of the 3 and only way of the devil and mystical journey are system novels but nightmares path is still good novel and way of the devils system is sorta like this novel where he can instantly level up a techniques and become strong fast but its realistic with it and he needs resources to level up the techniques and cant just become a god through one technique and I also know another novel where it's exactly like this novel but I think this novel is trash and that novel is also trash I forgot its name but it's on wuxiaworld.site if you want to look for it he uses a smart phone app to automatically cultivate techniques and skills

And this trash chosen.....




... yeah should have given it a lower rating, guess i caught the rate high for no reason disease. The next symptoms would be writing meaningless sentences that have nothing to do with the review and are only guesses, and after that just emoji spam. Please end me before that happens


I d8dnt know WD and MJ were the same author. thank you for the reminder that I should look at author names more often.

ultimatecoom:Way of the devil and mystical journey and nightmares path are all good novel all from same author way of the devil is the best out of the 3 and only way of the devil and mystical journey are system novels but nightmares path is still good novel and way of the devils system is sorta like this novel where he can instantly level up a techniques and become strong fast but its realistic with it and he needs resources to level up the techniques and cant just become a god through one technique and I also know another novel where it's exactly like this novel but I think this novel is trash and that novel is also trash I forgot its name but it's on wuxiaworld.site if you want to look for it he uses a smart phone app to automatically cultivate techniques and skills

Yea that happens to me alot, thanks for the like though

Nội dung đã bị xóa

Sadly both Way of the Devil and Nightmare's Call were dropped last year and it doesn't look like they will be completed 😭😭 I'm still looking for another novel like them. Please let me know your recommendation 👍 I spent more than 2 years reading Way of the Devil because of it's slow release but then it got dropped...

ultimatecoom:Way of the devil and mystical journey and nightmares path are all good novel all from same author way of the devil is the best out of the 3 and only way of the devil and mystical journey are system novels but nightmares path is still good novel and way of the devils system is sorta like this novel where he can instantly level up a techniques and become strong fast but its realistic with it and he needs resources to level up the techniques and cant just become a god through one technique and I also know another novel where it's exactly like this novel but I think this novel is trash and that novel is also trash I forgot its name but it's on wuxiaworld.site if you want to look for it he uses a smart phone app to automatically cultivate techniques and skills

BRUH. Nowadays you only open webnovel after shutting down your brains. There are good novels here, but very few. I mostly use webnovel to read fanfics cus there are some really good ones here.