
Review Detail of aquariushege in I Experienced an SSS Encryption

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This feels like someone translated a chineese book, and swapped all names and places into american. If this book was a person, it would be a chineese tourist in america, carrying an american/chineese dictionary and wearing an I <3 NY t-shirt.

I Experienced an SSS Encryption

Little Brother Langya

Được 24 người thích


Trả lời8


Between Chinese or American setting, I felt that American seems to more suitable if you compare the raw and the new edited one like this one... P.S Just my opinion


I only read this here, so I can only comment on what I see. Names and places makes it look american, but behavior and the way they talk is chineese. This is my opinion, anyway. :) I'm neither american nor chineese, I just love to read.

Dylila:Between Chinese or American setting, I felt that American seems to more suitable if you compare the raw and the new edited one like this one... P.S Just my opinion

I agree with you 😊

aquariushege:I only read this here, so I can only comment on what I see. Names and places makes it look american, but behavior and the way they talk is chineese. This is my opinion, anyway. :) I'm neither american nor chineese, I just love to read.

Funny you say that. I looked at the first few sentences of the raws and found the setting is supposed to be Yanhai City, China instead of Little Rock City in Arkansas. Also the MC's name is Lin Yi instead of Raymond


what's the raw


what's its original name ???

Neinheart:Funny you say that. I looked at the first few sentences of the raws and found the setting is supposed to be Yanhai City, China instead of Little Rock City in Arkansas. Also the MC's name is Lin Yi instead of Raymond

Been noticing this with a lot of the "Translations" and it makes the story feel really unnatural. The reactions and world setting get ruined when they do this kind of stuff.


Is there any other translation that actually makes the novel to be in china? because it makes no sense to switch the places

Neinheart:Funny you say that. I looked at the first few sentences of the raws and found the setting is supposed to be Yanhai City, China instead of Little Rock City in Arkansas. Also the MC's name is Lin Yi instead of Raymond