
Review Detail of the_mighty_blanket in The Magical Blacksmith

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hope this one ok... 2 novel already chine no 1 bla bla bla other country worse bla bla bla oh did i not tell you? it china no 1 bla bla bla... i dont mind if it was a bit nationalism but dont push other country down soo much.

The Magical Blacksmith

Time Seaweed

Được 20 người thích


Trả lời13


It is more disrespectfull to tell someone who you dont know what he/she should say, what word he/she use and what other people should and shouldnt do unless they are stepping on other, especially when it is not directed to you. if you see someone use the word you dont want why would that someone adjust for you especially when that someone is not talking to you? and the way you say it on commanding way maybe you should use in my opinion or can you please, noh?

Netherworld:man your really twisted, why are you hang up on this. i was just stating that people should stop saying "bla, bla, bla" 1- its disrespectful 2- you dont see people talk to others and say bla bla bla 3- people who review novels should be serious, as that can affect the author and now on you: 1- first of all i never said anything towards you, you came out of ur way. 2- just stating something dosent mean its a command. 3- dont you have anything better to do

which two?


Whats a a few oTher books lIke this one?


if you like this one you maybe like Forging The Path To Godliness. but i drop this one and that one. the system like sh it.

Dustin_Koster:Whats a a few oTher books lIke this one?



stop saying bla bla bla, i hate it when people do that


Wow, are you so privileged that you can command others what they say/write?

Netherworld:stop saying bla bla bla, i hate it when people do that

its my opinion, and why are you twisting other people words. i feel sry for you kid

Eterna7_0ne:Wow, are you so privileged that you can command others what they say/write?

opinion? lol so commanding others to stop saying a word is opinion? you clear said "Stop saying bla bla bla" that clearly is command not opinion.

Netherworld:its my opinion, and why are you twisting other people words. i feel sry for you kid

man your really twisted, why are you hang up on this. i was just stating that people should stop saying "bla, bla, bla" 1- its disrespectful 2- you dont see people talk to others and say bla bla bla 3- people who review novels should be serious, as that can affect the author and now on you: 1- first of all i never said anything towards you, you came out of ur way. 2- just stating something dosent mean its a command. 3- dont you have anything better to do

Eterna7_0ne:opinion? lol so commanding others to stop saying a word is opinion? you clear said "Stop saying bla bla bla" that clearly is command not opinion.

do you even know where we are? is this even a place where everyone should be serious about a story/book? yeah you didnt directed anything to me so does the OP , so why come here and comment something about what you dont like ? and command them to stop using it? are you that so entitled?

Netherworld:man your really twisted, why are you hang up on this. i was just stating that people should stop saying "bla, bla, bla" 1- its disrespectful 2- you dont see people talk to others and say bla bla bla 3- people who review novels should be serious, as that can affect the author and now on you: 1- first of all i never said anything towards you, you came out of ur way. 2- just stating something dosent mean its a command. 3- dont you have anything better to do

why im hang up on it? same reason like you hunging up to people using bla bla bla to the point that you need to tell them to stop using it. so i just hate people like you who just command other people on simple things like this ( telling somebody what word to and not use ) and just cant ignore it.

Netherworld:man your really twisted, why are you hang up on this. i was just stating that people should stop saying "bla, bla, bla" 1- its disrespectful 2- you dont see people talk to others and say bla bla bla 3- people who review novels should be serious, as that can affect the author and now on you: 1- first of all i never said anything towards you, you came out of ur way. 2- just stating something dosent mean its a command. 3- dont you have anything better to do

u have my support bro,we can comment all we want as long not insulting other people be that direct or inderect,so why bother?