
Review Detail of UltimasPrime in Star Wars: The Age of Rebellion

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UltimasPrimeTác giả3yrUltimasPrime

Yes I'm shamefully giving myself a 5, but I needed to tell all of you readers something. I'm not uploading chapter 2 till I have finished chapter 5. Yes I have chapter 2, 3, and 4 done, all 3k words or more. My writing has slowed done because I've haven't been able to get on my computer for the past week and for the past 2 months my grandmother has been in the hospital. My family doesn't think she'll make it another month.😢

Star Wars: The Age of Rebellion


Được 8 người thích


Trả lời7


First off sorry to hear about your grandmother and I do hope she pulls thru and gets beater, so don't worry about when you can upload a new chapter, I am sure those who like your work would be happy to wait because family is important.

UltimasPrimeTác giảUltimasPrime

I'm sad to say that I was informed my grandmother passed away sometime in the pass few hours.

M_E_P:First off sorry to hear about your grandmother and I do hope she pulls thru and gets beater, so don't worry about when you can upload a new chapter, I am sure those who like your work would be happy to wait because family is important.

I am sorry to here that, I don't know what ales to say or if you want to hear anything from a complete stranger, just pleas look after your self and your family and I wish you and your family all the best.

UltimasPrimeTác giảUltimasPrime

Thanks you for your words.

M_E_P:I am sorry to here that, I don't know what ales to say or if you want to hear anything from a complete stranger, just pleas look after your self and your family and I wish you and your family all the best.

sorry for your loss

UltimasPrime:Thanks you for your words.

I am sorry for your loss

UltimasPrime:I'm sad to say that I was informed my grandmother passed away sometime in the pass few hours.

when new chapter