
Review Detail of Kwarlis in Earth's Greatest Magus

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Currently at chapter 1826. I'll start off with a critique so it's not lost in the review. Starting around chapter 1586, Final Request, the writing style took a turn for the worse in my opinion. It's honestly hard for me to keep reading, even though I love the story that was built up in the first 1500 chapters. I don't know if that change is a translation thing, or if the author writes in English and just changed his style. Either way, I'm not a big fan of the change, which overemphasizes trivial things and feels like it's just drawing out the word count. I find myself skimming through multiple paragraphs of fluff just to get to meaningful moments, and it reminds me of the annoyance of an unskippable YouTube ad. The intimate moments in the story were much more robust earlier on, but they are very minimized at the same time this writing style change happens, which is a big negative in my opinion. It's much harder to feel the emotional connection in the writing, and characters are starting to feel much more detached. That said, the first 1500 or so chapters are top shelf. Really good writing, interesting story, engaging characters, and moments of importance that have real weight to them are present all throughout these chapters, and it leads to a very satisfying reading experience. I would definitely recommend, but be warned about the style changes later on as it may dampen enjoyment, as it has mine.

Earth's Greatest Magus


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I've caught up on the story completely now. the writing style still has some of those frustrating moments that I mentioned in the 1600-1800 chapter range I mentioned, but they are much fewer and further between. I find myself reconnecting with the feeling of pure enjoyment I got from the first 1500 chapters. I'm looking forward to seeing how this new academy arc progresses! I hope my words don't come across as mean or overly critical. I'm a big fan of the story and what you've got going on here, and thought it would be helpful to point out how I felt about it. As a side note, ever since the light/dark duality of Emery's wolf bloodline came to light, I always saw Klea as the representation of the light, and Silva a representation of the night. I'm not sure why, or even if that was the intention, nor do I know how Morgana and Gwen fit into that, so it's more of a half-baked idea, but I do hope that Silva graces the story again with her presence one day.

Avan:thank you for the review, i think that segments when the editor change, this is the first input i recived on this matter, maybe not everyone cup of tea, but i hope you could share an updtae when you read more chapter, thanks again for the review
AvanTác giảAvan

thank you for the review, i think that segments when the editor change, this is the first input i recived on this matter, maybe not everyone cup of tea, but i hope you could share an updtae when you read more chapter, thanks again for the review